Real Money Possible to register by ticket Regular tournament
Buy-in : €0.00
Bounty : €45.00
Rake : €0.00
Tournament start : 10-09-2024 21:00 CET
Tournament end : 11-09-2024 01:49 CET
Number of entrants : 110
Pos. | Player name | Winnings | Bounty |
1 | Bobogos | €17,273.90 | €16,386.05 |
2 | LatviaStyle | €17,273.39 | €1,073.31 |
3 | Dinopussy | €12,338.14 | €540.60 |
4 | WAZZAAAAAAAI | €8,812.96 | €143.44 |
5 | Abri2Jard1 | €6,294.97 | €1,076.28 |
6 | ID.EM | €4,496.40 | €772.88 |
7 | Mr.Blonde | €3,211.72 | €312.88 |
8 | Ben Afric | €2,294.08 | €977.67 |
9 | Pozyazya | €2,294.08 | €1,619.27 |
10 | pudelpower | €1,649.02 | €2,583.71 |
11 | Hello Jude | €1,649.02 | €0.00 |
12 | g54321s | €1,216.43 | €251.00 |
13 | Naujokas80 | €1,216.43 | €1,393.90 |
14 | roadtoNL2k | €1,216.43 | €549.49 |
15 | davo1010 | €921.50 | €1,717.69 |
16 | QuelIe Bimbo | €921.50 | €590.88 |
17 | sireCheddar | €921.50 | €168.75 |
18 | MCMXXII | €717.40 | €748.12 |
19 | Blackrain | €717.40 | €338.20 |
20 | JPAYE WALLAH | €717.40 | €132.19 |
21 | yepaki | €717.40 | €151.87 |
22 | Rotelie | €717.40 | €643.69 |
23 | Que Pena | €717.40 | €305.15 |
24 | Contra-Legem | €574.41 | €0.00 |
25 | NaguiFF | €574.41 | €0.00 |
26 | deeeprunner | €574.41 | €0.00 |
27 | shetlef12 | €574.41 | €503.95 |
28 | ekippppppppp | €574.41 | €221.48 |
29 | PumpEv | €574.41 | €255.93 |
30 | AR_15 | €473.40 | €160.31 |
31 | _111 | €473.40 | €787.84 |
32 | 29Savage | €473.40 | €0.00 |
33 | Playnoirs | €473.40 | €0.00 |
34 | zhizhizhi | €473.40 | €301.63 |
35 | ZIGGI OK | €473.40 | €266.48 |
36 | Raisin 9152 | €401.93 | €203.20 |
37 | Banvegas | €401.93 | €0.00 |
38 | Libra Themis | €401.93 | €0.00 |
39 | Listembourg | €401.93 | €395.14 |
40 | maverick_igm | €401.93 | €137.81 |
41 | Half Life 3 | €401.93 | €100.54 |
42 | El relojes | €401.93 | €0.00 |
43 | SilentMelody | €401.93 | €0.00 |
44 | P. Katerine | €401.93 | €0.00 |
45 | BAJANEG78 | €401.93 | €0.00 |
46 | Bet4u2call | €401.93 | €449.28 |
47 | jahamon | €401.93 | €0.00 |
48 | Hoy-in n cal | €351.87 | €156.09 |
49 | 3AJAL | €351.87 | €0.00 |
50 | frexerz | €351.87 | €0.00 |
51 | EN PLEIN | €351.87 | €82.97 |
52 | PongoBongo | €351.87 | €0.00 |
53 | MaybeIn2025 | €351.87 | €64.69 |
54 | 007Diego | €351.87 | €405.00 |
55 | -Aria- | €351.87 | €0.00 |
56 | BIG POT TOT | €351.87 | €0.00 |
57 | LeDromada1re | €351.87 | €111.09 |
58 | PahanUtkus | €351.87 | €265.08 |
59 | Dayen95 | €351.87 | €0.00 |
60 | Top flop | €317.95 | €0.00 |
61 | porceleeeet | €317.95 | €0.00 |
62 | Wembanyana | €317.95 | €0.00 |
63 | Mr. Satan | €317.95 | €177.89 |
64 | C.ALCARAZZ | €317.95 | €0.00 |
65 | CHINGALAN | €317.95 | €0.00 |
66 | MAMASI YEMIS | €317.95 | €0.00 |
67 | Don_Ferdi | €317.95 | €0.00 |
68 | doss doss 88 | €317.95 | €0.00 |
69 | tohkvgbknsdf | €317.95 | €0.00 |
70 | ev_genius | €317.95 | €0.00 |
71 | GironaFC | €317.95 | €0.00 |
72 | cheval.rouge | €296.84 | €0.00 |
73 | YouAreObv | €296.84 | €0.00 |
74 | lbouchonnois | €296.84 | €0.00 |
75 | knower | €296.84 | €0.00 |
76 | wonder555 | €296.84 | €0.00 |
77 | Xmonsterdong | €296.84 | €0.00 |
78 | pheniiixx | €296.84 | €165.94 |
79 | KrokMiel | €296.84 | €0.00 |
80 | imbagosu | €296.84 | €0.00 |
81 | AsDesPiques | €296.84 | €0.00 |
82 | WinaFlavors | €296.84 | €0.00 |
83 | Green Oasis | €296.84 | €0.00 |
84 | zarapzapzapp | €296.84 | €0.00 |
85 | eNBiaRRR | €296.84 | €0.00 |
86 | K.M.T09 | €296.84 | €0.00 |
87 | Vegan4life | €296.84 | €0.00 |
88 | Kim Ganador | €296.84 | €0.00 |
89 | slasher764_ | €296.84 | €0.00 |
90 | kaIamata | €296.84 | €0.00 |
91 | tomali | €296.84 | €0.00 |
92 | SmiIIeThHero | €296.84 | €0.00 |
93 | Bologneeese | €296.84 | €0.00 |
94 | mfjohn | €296.84 | €90.00 |
95 | Chincajaro | €296.84 | €0.00 |
96 | ArgentRapide | €282.71 | €0.00 |
97 | LuciuSeneca | €282.71 | €0.00 |
98 | Crazy Fucks | €282.71 | €0.00 |
99 | Paul Kovnick | €282.71 | €0.00 |
100 | Dr. Flawless | €282.71 | €0.00 |
101 | ShAArkunmax | €282.71 | €0.00 |
102 | KimJongTilt | €282.71 | €56.25 |
103 | juanmii17 | €282.71 | €0.00 |
104 | 0NE WAY | €282.71 | €0.00 |
105 | Nutashkuan | €282.71 | €0.00 |
106 | David Laroch | €282.71 | €0.00 |
107 | MAGIQUE53 | €282.71 | €0.00 |
108 | Mercure88 | €282.71 | €0.00 |
109 | Le_Mini_Mumm | €282.71 | €0.00 |
110 | FL_RAB | €282.71 | €0.00 |
BobogosWinnings €17,273.90Bounty €16,386.05
LatviaStyleWinnings €17,273.39Bounty €1,073.31
DinopussyWinnings €12,338.14Bounty €540.60
WAZZAAAAAAAIWinnings €8,812.96Bounty €143.44
Abri2Jard1Winnings €6,294.97Bounty €1,076.28
ID.EMWinnings €4,496.40Bounty €772.88
Mr.BlondeWinnings €3,211.72Bounty €312.88
Ben AfricWinnings €2,294.08Bounty €977.67
PozyazyaWinnings €2,294.08Bounty €1,619.27
pudelpowerWinnings €1,649.02Bounty €2,583.71
Hello JudeWinnings €1,649.02Bounty €0.00
g54321sWinnings €1,216.43Bounty €251.00
Naujokas80Winnings €1,216.43Bounty €1,393.90
roadtoNL2kWinnings €1,216.43Bounty €549.49
davo1010Winnings €921.50Bounty €1,717.69
QuelIe BimboWinnings €921.50Bounty €590.88
sireCheddarWinnings €921.50Bounty €168.75
MCMXXIIWinnings €717.40Bounty €748.12
BlackrainWinnings €717.40Bounty €338.20
JPAYE WALLAHWinnings €717.40Bounty €132.19
yepakiWinnings €717.40Bounty €151.87
RotelieWinnings €717.40Bounty €643.69
Que PenaWinnings €717.40Bounty €305.15
Contra-LegemWinnings €574.41Bounty €0.00
NaguiFFWinnings €574.41Bounty €0.00
deeeprunnerWinnings €574.41Bounty €0.00
shetlef12Winnings €574.41Bounty €503.95
ekipppppppppWinnings €574.41Bounty €221.48
PumpEvWinnings €574.41Bounty €255.93
AR_15Winnings €473.40Bounty €160.31
_111Winnings €473.40Bounty €787.84
29SavageWinnings €473.40Bounty €0.00
PlaynoirsWinnings €473.40Bounty €0.00
zhizhizhiWinnings €473.40Bounty €301.63
ZIGGI OKWinnings €473.40Bounty €266.48
Raisin 9152Winnings €401.93Bounty €203.20
BanvegasWinnings €401.93Bounty €0.00
Libra ThemisWinnings €401.93Bounty €0.00
ListembourgWinnings €401.93Bounty €395.14
maverick_igmWinnings €401.93Bounty €137.81
Half Life 3Winnings €401.93Bounty €100.54
El relojesWinnings €401.93Bounty €0.00
SilentMelodyWinnings €401.93Bounty €0.00
P. KaterineWinnings €401.93Bounty €0.00
BAJANEG78Winnings €401.93Bounty €0.00
Bet4u2callWinnings €401.93Bounty €449.28
jahamonWinnings €401.93Bounty €0.00
Hoy-in n calWinnings €351.87Bounty €156.09
3AJALWinnings €351.87Bounty €0.00
frexerzWinnings €351.87Bounty €0.00
EN PLEINWinnings €351.87Bounty €82.97
PongoBongoWinnings €351.87Bounty €0.00
MaybeIn2025Winnings €351.87Bounty €64.69
007DiegoWinnings €351.87Bounty €405.00
-Aria-Winnings €351.87Bounty €0.00
BIG POT TOTWinnings €351.87Bounty €0.00
LeDromada1reWinnings €351.87Bounty €111.09
PahanUtkusWinnings €351.87Bounty €265.08
Dayen95Winnings €351.87Bounty €0.00
Top flopWinnings €317.95Bounty €0.00
porceleeeetWinnings €317.95Bounty €0.00
WembanyanaWinnings €317.95Bounty €0.00
Mr. SatanWinnings €317.95Bounty €177.89
C.ALCARAZZWinnings €317.95Bounty €0.00
CHINGALANWinnings €317.95Bounty €0.00
MAMASI YEMISWinnings €317.95Bounty €0.00
Don_FerdiWinnings €317.95Bounty €0.00
doss doss 88Winnings €317.95Bounty €0.00
tohkvgbknsdfWinnings €317.95Bounty €0.00
ev_geniusWinnings €317.95Bounty €0.00
GironaFCWinnings €317.95Bounty €0.00
cheval.rougeWinnings €296.84Bounty €0.00
YouAreObvWinnings €296.84Bounty €0.00
lbouchonnoisWinnings €296.84Bounty €0.00
knowerWinnings €296.84Bounty €0.00
wonder555Winnings €296.84Bounty €0.00
XmonsterdongWinnings €296.84Bounty €0.00
pheniiixxWinnings €296.84Bounty €165.94
KrokMielWinnings €296.84Bounty €0.00
imbagosuWinnings €296.84Bounty €0.00
AsDesPiquesWinnings €296.84Bounty €0.00
WinaFlavorsWinnings €296.84Bounty €0.00
Green OasisWinnings €296.84Bounty €0.00
zarapzapzappWinnings €296.84Bounty €0.00
eNBiaRRRWinnings €296.84Bounty €0.00
K.M.T09Winnings €296.84Bounty €0.00
Vegan4lifeWinnings €296.84Bounty €0.00
Kim GanadorWinnings €296.84Bounty €0.00
slasher764_Winnings €296.84Bounty €0.00
kaIamataWinnings €296.84Bounty €0.00
tomaliWinnings €296.84Bounty €0.00
SmiIIeThHeroWinnings €296.84Bounty €0.00
BologneeeseWinnings €296.84Bounty €0.00
mfjohnWinnings €296.84Bounty €90.00
ChincajaroWinnings €296.84Bounty €0.00
ArgentRapideWinnings €282.71Bounty €0.00
LuciuSenecaWinnings €282.71Bounty €0.00
Crazy FucksWinnings €282.71Bounty €0.00
Paul KovnickWinnings €282.71Bounty €0.00
Dr. FlawlessWinnings €282.71Bounty €0.00
ShAArkunmaxWinnings €282.71Bounty €0.00
KimJongTiltWinnings €282.71Bounty €56.25
juanmii17Winnings €282.71Bounty €0.00
0NE WAYWinnings €282.71Bounty €0.00
NutashkuanWinnings €282.71Bounty €0.00
David LarochWinnings €282.71Bounty €0.00
MAGIQUE53Winnings €282.71Bounty €0.00
Mercure88Winnings €282.71Bounty €0.00
Le_Mini_MummWinnings €282.71Bounty €0.00
FL_RABWinnings €282.71Bounty €0.00