Real Money Possible to register by ticket Regular tournament
Buy-in : €0.00
Bounty : €22.50
Rake : €0.00
Total rebuys : €0.00
Tournament start : 10-09-2024 21:00 CET
Tournament end : 11-09-2024 00:38 CET
Number of entrants : 78
Pos. | Player name | Winnings | Bounty |
1 | .sonheure | €1,807.32 | €4,330.36 |
2 | En CDD | €1,807.14 | €202.51 |
3 | KillKkk | €1,494.68 | €2,553.34 |
4 | LEONIDAS I | €1,249.75 | €754.82 |
5 | La fragoneta | €1,056.50 | €327.10 |
6 | Top1 Harley | €903.11 | €1,600.08 |
7 | Thames Water | €780.70 | €836.50 |
8 | Jeanmouchas | €767.22 | €693.76 |
9 | D-sides | €682.60 | €497.45 |
10 | SafetyCard | €603.72 | €91.41 |
11 | Naujokas80 | €656.52 | €395.49 |
12 | MAntonio21 | €593.50 | €452.13 |
13 | J MESTRAS | €540.20 | €467.21 |
14 | Suksma. | €540.20 | €532.93 |
15 | xxberik | €489.08 | €431.37 |
16 | Blue-2 | €489.08 | €606.04 |
17 | Chicken Itza | €489.08 | €68.91 |
18 | Ours78dl | €448.09 | €411.65 |
19 | annabananaa | €448.09 | €370.87 |
20 | Lyon.1950 | €448.09 | €234.86 |
21 | CarbonarAA | €448.09 | €252.75 |
22 | Le_Secateur | €507.90 | €403.92 |
23 | EN PLEIN | €448.09 | €117.42 |
24 | Le5DuMois. | €475.03 | €731.91 |
25 | Iuz the Evil | €415.52 | €291.79 |
26 | StopZavod | €415.52 | €571.76 |
27 | SheepLeader- | €415.52 | €460.61 |
28 | LS-K | €415.52 | €270.72 |
29 | Im hOle in | €415.52 | €235.54 |
30 | cunjeu | €390.04 | €467.83 |
31 | Vict0rMiesel | €390.04 | €173.68 |
32 | LetLoveWin | €390.04 | €59.06 |
33 | The Duchess | €390.04 | €349.78 |
34 | Potichat. | €390.04 | €50.63 |
35 | FlipFlatFlop | €390.04 | €238.17 |
36 | TOMEYAAAA | €370.67 | €61.88 |
37 | CHATPIS | €370.67 | €123.04 |
38 | 1.BICHO RARO | €370.67 | €314.99 |
39 | A4PatFolle | €370.67 | €319.35 |
40 | JJmarmiton | €370.67 | €356.50 |
41 | Parispiscop | €370.67 | €139.22 |
42 | OutNowBaby | €370.67 | €237.65 |
43 | Pitch 15. | €370.67 | €174.38 |
44 | Laa Laa | €421.67 | €165.94 |
45 | GreenFather | €370.67 | €286.17 |
46 | kttz | €370.67 | €90.00 |
47 | Antob86580 | €370.67 | €136.40 |
48 | La Belle Gze | €353.02 | €75.95 |
49 | Sonopax | €353.02 | €105.11 |
50 | On2TheNxtOne | €403.70 | €90.01 |
51 | Forte Pluie | €353.02 | €36.56 |
52 | ForMyDreams | €353.02 | €176.48 |
53 | Lev.Pushkine | €353.02 | €226.41 |
54 | MriK-B | €407.13 | €383.18 |
55 | jipimi | €353.02 | €211.65 |
56 | Fernandina | €467.91 | €460.19 |
57 | Palzi69 | €403.25 | €210.25 |
58 | N.Krupskaya | €353.02 | €116.72 |
59 | Louisf2b9 | €353.02 | €56.25 |
60 | Oncle Louis | €336.21 | €196.16 |
61 | BxnTTiramisu | €336.21 | €135.01 |
62 | -Aria- | €336.21 | €241.85 |
63 | Jvaitplume62 | €336.21 | €188.45 |
64 | Jetom13 | €392.91 | €275.64 |
65 | WAZZAAAAAAAI | €336.21 | €60.47 |
66 | Simpauttaja | €390.88 | €301.63 |
67 | Kurcias. | €336.21 | €168.76 |
68 | Kileeer17 | €336.21 | €77.34 |
69 | MaybeIn2025 | €336.21 | €165.94 |
70 | Listembourg | €336.21 | €171.58 |
71 | Out of Line | €422.70 | €217.98 |
72 | SPAZZZEMAN | €320.20 | €16.88 |
73 | Noeeeelhtuh | €320.20 | €88.59 |
74 | Shaaankly | €320.20 | €67.50 |
75 | _Clyde_ | €320.20 | €45.00 |
76 | LatviaStyle | €320.20 | €88.59 |
77 | H20_1989 | €320.20 | €95.64 |
78 | jahamon | €394.79 | €325.57 |
.sonheureWinnings €1,807.32Bounty €4,330.36
En CDDWinnings €1,807.14Bounty €202.51
KillKkkWinnings €1,494.68Bounty €2,553.34
LEONIDAS IWinnings €1,249.75Bounty €754.82
La fragonetaWinnings €1,056.50Bounty €327.10
Top1 HarleyWinnings €903.11Bounty €1,600.08
Thames WaterWinnings €780.70Bounty €836.50
JeanmouchasWinnings €767.22Bounty €693.76
D-sidesWinnings €682.60Bounty €497.45
SafetyCardWinnings €603.72Bounty €91.41
Naujokas80Winnings €656.52Bounty €395.49
MAntonio21Winnings €593.50Bounty €452.13
J MESTRASWinnings €540.20Bounty €467.21
Suksma.Winnings €540.20Bounty €532.93
xxberikWinnings €489.08Bounty €431.37
Blue-2Winnings €489.08Bounty €606.04
Chicken ItzaWinnings €489.08Bounty €68.91
Ours78dlWinnings €448.09Bounty €411.65
annabananaaWinnings €448.09Bounty €370.87
Lyon.1950Winnings €448.09Bounty €234.86
CarbonarAAWinnings €448.09Bounty €252.75
Le_SecateurWinnings €507.90Bounty €403.92
EN PLEINWinnings €448.09Bounty €117.42
Le5DuMois.Winnings €475.03Bounty €731.91
Iuz the EvilWinnings €415.52Bounty €291.79
StopZavodWinnings €415.52Bounty €571.76
SheepLeader-Winnings €415.52Bounty €460.61
LS-KWinnings €415.52Bounty €270.72
Im hOle inWinnings €415.52Bounty €235.54
cunjeuWinnings €390.04Bounty €467.83
Vict0rMieselWinnings €390.04Bounty €173.68
LetLoveWinWinnings €390.04Bounty €59.06
The DuchessWinnings €390.04Bounty €349.78
Potichat.Winnings €390.04Bounty €50.63
FlipFlatFlopWinnings €390.04Bounty €238.17
TOMEYAAAAWinnings €370.67Bounty €61.88
CHATPISWinnings €370.67Bounty €123.04
1.BICHO RAROWinnings €370.67Bounty €314.99
A4PatFolleWinnings €370.67Bounty €319.35
JJmarmitonWinnings €370.67Bounty €356.50
ParispiscopWinnings €370.67Bounty €139.22
OutNowBabyWinnings €370.67Bounty €237.65
Pitch 15.Winnings €370.67Bounty €174.38
Laa LaaWinnings €421.67Bounty €165.94
GreenFatherWinnings €370.67Bounty €286.17
kttzWinnings €370.67Bounty €90.00
Antob86580Winnings €370.67Bounty €136.40
La Belle GzeWinnings €353.02Bounty €75.95
SonopaxWinnings €353.02Bounty €105.11
On2TheNxtOneWinnings €403.70Bounty €90.01
Forte PluieWinnings €353.02Bounty €36.56
ForMyDreamsWinnings €353.02Bounty €176.48
Lev.PushkineWinnings €353.02Bounty €226.41
MriK-BWinnings €407.13Bounty €383.18
jipimiWinnings €353.02Bounty €211.65
FernandinaWinnings €467.91Bounty €460.19
Palzi69Winnings €403.25Bounty €210.25
N.KrupskayaWinnings €353.02Bounty €116.72
Louisf2b9Winnings €353.02Bounty €56.25
Oncle LouisWinnings €336.21Bounty €196.16
BxnTTiramisuWinnings €336.21Bounty €135.01
-Aria-Winnings €336.21Bounty €241.85
Jvaitplume62Winnings €336.21Bounty €188.45
Jetom13Winnings €392.91Bounty €275.64
WAZZAAAAAAAIWinnings €336.21Bounty €60.47
SimpauttajaWinnings €390.88Bounty €301.63
Kurcias.Winnings €336.21Bounty €168.76
Kileeer17Winnings €336.21Bounty €77.34
MaybeIn2025Winnings €336.21Bounty €165.94
ListembourgWinnings €336.21Bounty €171.58
Out of LineWinnings €422.70Bounty €217.98
SPAZZZEMANWinnings €320.20Bounty €16.88
NoeeeelhtuhWinnings €320.20Bounty €88.59
ShaaanklyWinnings €320.20Bounty €67.50
_Clyde_Winnings €320.20Bounty €45.00
LatviaStyleWinnings €320.20Bounty €88.59
H20_1989Winnings €320.20Bounty €95.64
jahamonWinnings €394.79Bounty €325.57