Real Money Possible to register by ticket Regular tournament
Buy-in : €9.00
Bounty : €9.00
Rake : €2.00
Tournament start : 01-09-2024 20:00 CET
Tournament end : 02-09-2024 01:52 CET
Number of entrants : 2 291
Number of re-entries : 457
Pos. | Player name | Chips | Re-entry |
1 | Chattawalpa | 4,075,626 | 1 |
2 | Nixoff | 4,045,375 | 0 |
3 | Forte Pluie | 3,759,237 | 1 |
4 | DiosAres20 | 3,609,236 | 0 |
5 | Jetaaaaa | 3,485,284 | 1 |
6 | El-Maago | 3,483,744 | 0 |
7 | TrafyDLawBPC | 3,241,952 | 2 |
8 | BOIFX | 3,231,338 | 0 |
9 | GosseEnScene | 2,669,409 | 1 |
10 | Brelandinhio | 2,656,367 | 0 |
11 | GroOob | 2,601,856 | 1 |
12 | glacon345 | 2,491,076 | 0 |
13 | devartafull | 2,487,422 | 1 |
14 | GG All | 2,443,241 | 0 |
15 | Big vilain | 2,389,310 | 0 |
16 | 1TSMYTIME | 2,334,880 | 0 |
17 | Lorraine50t | 2,067,504 | 0 |
18 | Tchoupie3bet | 2,035,887 | 0 |
19 | Pert&FraKASS | 2,033,577 | 0 |
20 | tapounet | 1,939,658 | 0 |
21 | NoupiNoops | 1,938,039 | 0 |
22 | LAA_PLUME | 1,890,278 | 0 |
23 | Doonots | 1,828,399 | 0 |
24 | Com.Gilbert | 1,789,252 | 0 |
25 | SicKOoTwitch | 1,774,844 | 1 |
26 | Booombaaa | 1,743,308 | 0 |
27 | PS0DE | 1,739,920 | 1 |
28 | BrilleEtVole | 1,739,866 | 0 |
29 | _WeNeedLove_ | 1,718,630 | 0 |
30 | bigkev1009 | 1,664,764 | 0 |
31 | Jr Rey Dani | 1,615,841 | 2 |
32 | ODJoker91933 | 1,599,376 | 0 |
33 | easy gamer | 1,599,194 | 0 |
34 | lTAYLORl | 1,517,761 | 0 |
35 | Kountch2505 | 1,501,356 | 1 |
36 | Kazkar7 | 1,485,207 | 1 |
37 | LeDaumicro | 1,395,842 | 0 |
38 | Depaysement | 1,373,466 | 0 |
39 | I am GABELA | 1,305,040 | 0 |
40 | Atouch123 | 1,281,737 | 0 |
41 | BetHigh56 | 1,277,020 | 0 |
42 | IlIlIl678 | 1,267,922 | 0 |
43 | boobaa 66 | 1,264,941 | 0 |
44 | smart8973585 | 1,254,538 | 0 |
45 | torach63 | 1,197,943 | 0 |
46 | winsayuk | 1,177,045 | 0 |
47 | WWWW64 | 1,163,386 | 0 |
48 | PoRtEFaIx91 | 1,140,144 | 0 |
49 | -2ptiQ- | 1,103,920 | 1 |
50 | Sampeii | 1,048,626 | 0 |
51 | Vichenzooo | 1,004,673 | 0 |
52 | 5 OBSTACLES | 999,211 | 1 |
53 | Syljoy0411 | 923,470 | 0 |
54 | jesuistaput3 | 857,207 | 2 |
55 | MieI Poks | 819,066 | 0 |
56 | gto_bistrot | 812,784 | 1 |
57 | RAsTou. | 797,315 | 0 |
58 | Dominator5.8 | 791,095 | 0 |
59 | StudentErrr8 | 783,044 | 0 |
60 | Vinishkomen | 763,969 | 0 |
61 | John Wu. | 723,155 | 1 |
62 | OERPIC | 655,864 | 0 |
63 | NoFlipNoGain | 645,355 | 0 |
64 | Rdv.En.Tf. | 633,428 | 0 |
65 | ORH-CLICK | 564,586 | 0 |
66 | ALLEZ-LA. | 532,930 | 0 |
67 | GEGE et NASH | 409,572 | 0 |
68 | Jr10xKb9 | 353,692 | 0 |
ChattawalpaWinnings 4,075,626Re-entry 1
NixoffWinnings 4,045,375Re-entry 0
Forte PluieWinnings 3,759,237Re-entry 1
DiosAres20Winnings 3,609,236Re-entry 0
JetaaaaaWinnings 3,485,284Re-entry 1
El-MaagoWinnings 3,483,744Re-entry 0
TrafyDLawBPCWinnings 3,241,952Re-entry 2
BOIFXWinnings 3,231,338Re-entry 0
GosseEnSceneWinnings 2,669,409Re-entry 1
BrelandinhioWinnings 2,656,367Re-entry 0
GroOobWinnings 2,601,856Re-entry 1
glacon345Winnings 2,491,076Re-entry 0
devartafullWinnings 2,487,422Re-entry 1
GG AllWinnings 2,443,241Re-entry 0
Big vilainWinnings 2,389,310Re-entry 0
1TSMYTIMEWinnings 2,334,880Re-entry 0
Lorraine50tWinnings 2,067,504Re-entry 0
Tchoupie3betWinnings 2,035,887Re-entry 0
Pert&FraKASSWinnings 2,033,577Re-entry 0
tapounetWinnings 1,939,658Re-entry 0
NoupiNoopsWinnings 1,938,039Re-entry 0
LAA_PLUMEWinnings 1,890,278Re-entry 0
DoonotsWinnings 1,828,399Re-entry 0
Com.GilbertWinnings 1,789,252Re-entry 0
SicKOoTwitchWinnings 1,774,844Re-entry 1
BooombaaaWinnings 1,743,308Re-entry 0
PS0DEWinnings 1,739,920Re-entry 1
BrilleEtVoleWinnings 1,739,866Re-entry 0
_WeNeedLove_Winnings 1,718,630Re-entry 0
bigkev1009Winnings 1,664,764Re-entry 0
Jr Rey DaniWinnings 1,615,841Re-entry 2
ODJoker91933Winnings 1,599,376Re-entry 0
easy gamerWinnings 1,599,194Re-entry 0
lTAYLORlWinnings 1,517,761Re-entry 0
Kountch2505Winnings 1,501,356Re-entry 1
Kazkar7Winnings 1,485,207Re-entry 1
LeDaumicroWinnings 1,395,842Re-entry 0
DepaysementWinnings 1,373,466Re-entry 0
I am GABELAWinnings 1,305,040Re-entry 0
Atouch123Winnings 1,281,737Re-entry 0
BetHigh56Winnings 1,277,020Re-entry 0
IlIlIl678Winnings 1,267,922Re-entry 0
boobaa 66Winnings 1,264,941Re-entry 0
smart8973585Winnings 1,254,538Re-entry 0
torach63Winnings 1,197,943Re-entry 0
winsayukWinnings 1,177,045Re-entry 0
WWWW64Winnings 1,163,386Re-entry 0
PoRtEFaIx91Winnings 1,140,144Re-entry 0
-2ptiQ-Winnings 1,103,920Re-entry 1
SampeiiWinnings 1,048,626Re-entry 0
VichenzoooWinnings 1,004,673Re-entry 0
5 OBSTACLESWinnings 999,211Re-entry 1
Syljoy0411Winnings 923,470Re-entry 0
jesuistaput3Winnings 857,207Re-entry 2
MieI PoksWinnings 819,066Re-entry 0
gto_bistrotWinnings 812,784Re-entry 1
RAsTou.Winnings 797,315Re-entry 0
Dominator5.8Winnings 791,095Re-entry 0
StudentErrr8Winnings 783,044Re-entry 0
VinishkomenWinnings 763,969Re-entry 0
John Wu.Winnings 723,155Re-entry 1
OERPICWinnings 655,864Re-entry 0
NoFlipNoGainWinnings 645,355Re-entry 0
Rdv.En.Tf.Winnings 633,428Re-entry 0
ORH-CLICKWinnings 564,586Re-entry 0
ALLEZ-LA.Winnings 532,930Re-entry 0
GEGE et NASHWinnings 409,572Re-entry 0
Jr10xKb9Winnings 353,692Re-entry 0
Pos. | Player name | Winnings | Bounty | Re-entry |
69 | ALLIN DELONG | €34.78 | €31.51 | 0 |
70 | pallix | €34.78 | €18.00 | 0 |
71 | 12Marcelo12 | €34.78 | €60.75 | 1 |
72 | Tartuffe402 | €29.98 | €64.69 | 0 |
73 | Titi et Gros | €29.98 | €20.25 | 0 |
74 | nounours 006 | €29.98 | €119.82 | 0 |
75 | Bourbon.Kid | €29.98 | €66.38 | 0 |
76 | JustMuck | €29.98 | €24.75 | 0 |
77 | BatLaMeNas93 | €29.98 | €22.50 | 0 |
78 | Ing Raiden | €29.98 | €72.00 | 0 |
79 | Julie_pok06 | €29.98 | €67.51 | 0 |
80 | Justice95 | €29.98 | €32.63 | 1 |
81 | NoThe Boss | €29.98 | €21.38 | 0 |
82 | PrettyVirgin | €29.98 | €84.38 | 1 |
83 | kumanji | €29.98 | €28.69 | 0 |
84 | ChriStyIe | €29.98 | €0.00 | 0 |
85 | Mognon44 | €29.98 | €40.51 | 0 |
86 | PILEouFACE-- | €29.98 | €44.44 | 0 |
87 | JajajaYopago | €29.98 | €36.56 | 0 |
88 | ALOKAFRE | €29.98 | €47.25 | 0 |
89 | TeamCalvitie | €29.98 | €31.50 | 0 |
90 | Lallatte | €29.98 | €32.06 | 0 |
91 | Korake | €29.98 | €11.25 | 1 |
92 | StarS_0rbiT | €29.98 | €39.38 | 0 |
93 | 93Bicraveur | €29.98 | €33.75 | 0 |
94 | DIRTYSEVEN | €29.98 | €9.00 | 0 |
95 | Geomux | €29.98 | €16.88 | 1 |
96 | NoD- | €26.45 | €61.32 | 3 |
97 | two_aces_msk | €26.45 | €46.13 | 0 |
98 | hdFatBoy | €26.45 | €9.00 | 0 |
99 | nevaleky | €26.45 | €46.14 | 0 |
100 | simsy79 | €26.45 | €34.88 | 0 |
101 | Tilt_ouss | €26.45 | €42.76 | 0 |
102 | Tout_Poulet | €26.45 | €23.63 | 0 |
103 | E.Valhalla | €26.45 | €21.38 | 0 |
104 | Bronack01 | €26.45 | €105.19 | 0 |
105 | spewinfool | €26.45 | €6.75 | 0 |
106 | SaNLOrenZOO | €26.45 | €14.06 | 1 |
107 | SINO1979 | €26.45 | €29.26 | 0 |
108 | jesgroovy | €26.45 | €11.25 | 0 |
109 | B. Plumifron | €26.45 | €15.75 | 1 |
110 | PaAmbTomaket | €26.45 | €34.32 | 5 |
111 | tomyllee2 | €26.45 | €15.75 | 0 |
112 | Feliz Pato1 | €26.45 | €11.25 | 0 |
113 | AARafullop | €26.45 | €49.78 | 0 |
114 | Reglisse3338 | €26.45 | €33.75 | 0 |
115 | chichAroyAle | €26.45 | €7.88 | 1 |
116 | _Morri_ | €26.45 | €11.25 | 0 |
117 | Maestro.5381 | €26.45 | €20.25 | 0 |
118 | eRosi0n | €26.45 | €42.75 | 0 |
119 | amadi742 | €26.45 | €66.66 | 0 |
120 | LightninTiti | €23.90 | €29.81 | 0 |
121 | TonTonderiez | €23.90 | €33.19 | 1 |
122 | lukkkyman777 | €23.90 | €9.00 | 0 |
123 | TerraPlata | €23.90 | €13.50 | 0 |
124 | Dr_gto | €23.90 | €30.38 | 1 |
125 | TuttiFera | €23.90 | €18.00 | 2 |
126 | Dumatos | €23.90 | €47.25 | 0 |
127 | the coon | €23.90 | €15.75 | 0 |
128 | ralex555 | €23.90 | €9.00 | 0 |
129 | Glorwyn | €23.90 | €42.19 | 0 |
130 | Bombero_8078 | €23.90 | €13.50 | 0 |
131 | j0H4N | €23.90 | €9.00 | 1 |
132 | Blancovitch | €23.90 | €43.88 | 0 |
133 | lovezone | €23.90 | €20.25 | 0 |
134 | lllilllilll | €23.90 | €43.88 | 0 |
135 | ShowMe1Bluff | €23.90 | €22.50 | 0 |
136 | _Fragz_ | €23.90 | €52.32 | 1 |
137 | Nit0sAliagas | €23.90 | €21.38 | 0 |
138 | VIT Livius | €23.90 | €56.53 | 0 |
139 | Mabrouk40000 | €23.90 | €6.75 | 0 |
140 | M bappepite | €23.90 | €34.88 | 1 |
141 | kellops11 | €23.90 | €15.75 | 1 |
142 | L0uisdeFunes | €23.90 | €41.35 | 0 |
143 | AveXabi | €23.90 | €25.88 | 0 |
144 | MoiBrelanToi | €22.13 | €29.25 | 1 |
145 | jipimi | €22.13 | €54.56 | 0 |
146 | Paul Bocuse | €22.13 | €43.88 | 0 |
147 | mixmasta | €22.13 | €4.50 | 0 |
148 | Chipsbleed | €22.13 | €37.13 | 2 |
149 | CoudouxmBk0 | €22.13 | €11.25 | 0 |
150 | Ritchoskov | €22.13 | €55.13 | 0 |
151 | ElCarajibilo | €22.13 | €0.00 | 0 |
152 | SkrillHunter | €22.13 | €24.75 | 0 |
153 | Meldboy | €22.13 | €73.70 | 0 |
154 | Tueurpoker77 | €22.13 | €20.25 | 1 |
155 | Oulboul | €22.13 | €13.50 | 0 |
156 | LeYougoSalve | €22.13 | €46.13 | 0 |
157 | NOCHANCE 4U | €22.13 | €30.38 | 0 |
158 | Money-Talks | €22.13 | €27.00 | 0 |
159 | SSupasym | €22.13 | €25.88 | 0 |
160 | Fabuloup | €22.13 | €19.13 | 0 |
161 | LaTangue-69 | €22.13 | €10.69 | 0 |
162 | JoonSnow | €22.13 | €20.25 | 1 |
163 | AApoKKalypse | €22.13 | €15.75 | 0 |
164 | arnaudr75 | €22.13 | €29.25 | 0 |
165 | UAreHacked | €22.13 | €19.13 | 0 |
166 | pr0czessor | €22.13 | €13.50 | 0 |
167 | Chuflas2466 | €22.13 | €31.50 | 0 |
168 | AdamRiver | €22.13 | €14.63 | 0 |
169 | -KKWAIT- | €22.13 | €58.50 | 0 |
170 | LOGAN1337 | €22.13 | €45.56 | 1 |
171 | El guignass | €22.13 | €33.75 | 0 |
172 | HopeIess | €22.13 | €15.75 | 0 |
173 | DEL POTRO | €22.13 | €12.38 | 0 |
174 | kassita | €22.13 | €6.75 | 0 |
175 | wnx-1v25a6 | €22.13 | €15.75 | 0 |
176 | pumbik o_O | €22.13 | €55.13 | 0 |
177 | Kostolom | €22.13 | €59.07 | 0 |
178 | AAt0mid1fIsh | €22.13 | €15.75 | 0 |
179 | dwayne618 | €22.13 | €12.38 | 0 |
180 | Crasy Road | €22.13 | €59.07 | 0 |
181 | guaos171 | €22.13 | €41.62 | 0 |
182 | Yasslamif | €22.13 | €54.01 | 1 |
183 | BattleCarp | €22.13 | €4.50 | 1 |
184 | Le_Toubib | €22.13 | €42.75 | 2 |
185 | MrGUILPAIN | €22.13 | €30.38 | 0 |
186 | IFrostmourne | €22.13 | €52.88 | 0 |
187 | CapTTainKrab | €22.13 | €13.50 | 0 |
188 | remiitahiti | €22.13 | €0.00 | 0 |
189 | movedefish | €22.13 | €50.63 | 1 |
190 | Sweatyfish | €22.13 | €4.50 | 0 |
191 | Bpborja22 | €22.13 | €15.75 | 0 |
192 | Aristot | €21.01 | €12.38 | 3 |
193 | MaisoFlute | €21.01 | €37.13 | 0 |
194 | OhOuiYoupi | €21.01 | €30.38 | 0 |
195 | mikem334 | €21.01 | €27.00 | 0 |
196 | JACKAR | €21.01 | €20.25 | 1 |
197 | T0d0_Rectum | €21.01 | €15.75 | 0 |
198 | jucamahe | €21.01 | €45.01 | 0 |
199 | Dyn74 | €21.01 | €0.00 | 0 |
200 | Easywithluck | €21.01 | €37.13 | 1 |
201 | BABABABABA.. | €21.01 | €15.19 | 0 |
202 | How dare U | €21.01 | €72.99 | 0 |
203 | ATLAS33110 | €21.01 | €36.00 | 0 |
204 | jaco06 | €21.01 | €4.50 | 0 |
205 | Johann171 | €21.01 | €4.50 | 1 |
206 | E. Bullfie | €21.01 | €19.13 | 0 |
207 | NBontsevich | €21.01 | €20.25 | 0 |
208 | 36.10.9451 N | €21.01 | €0.00 | 0 |
209 | -ATIPARUNA- | €21.01 | €0.00 | 0 |
210 | born to tilt | €21.01 | €28.13 | 0 |
211 | Octo Gone | €21.01 | €20.25 | 0 |
212 | 12344566569 | €21.01 | €46.13 | 0 |
213 | Hyene_717075 | €21.01 | €0.00 | 0 |
214 | peke 31 | €21.01 | €18.00 | 0 |
215 | kanario85 | €21.01 | €46.13 | 0 |
216 | -Eltigrus- | €21.01 | €20.25 | 0 |
217 | Gabo Angalaj | €21.01 | €9.00 | 1 |
218 | Sietch | €21.01 | €9.00 | 0 |
219 | KPERSIMON | €21.01 | €18.00 | 0 |
220 | Kmila_JOrgie | €21.01 | €11.25 | 0 |
221 | New_GAMEPLAY | €21.01 | €4.50 | 0 |
222 | noir&rouge | €21.01 | €14.63 | 1 |
223 | Jota Ele Pe | €21.01 | €11.25 | 0 |
224 | SHIFU-Mise | €21.01 | €37.13 | 0 |
225 | jordif103 | €21.01 | €26.44 | 0 |
226 | LeMakaya | €21.01 | €17.44 | 1 |
227 | Pattanegraa | €21.01 | €4.50 | 0 |
228 | TuEsMAD | €21.01 | €19.13 | 0 |
229 | DarthmoulPKR | €21.01 | €56.82 | 1 |
230 | le b1g mac | €21.01 | €22.50 | 0 |
231 | Galadriel_ | €21.01 | €25.88 | 0 |
232 | LordForquads | €21.01 | €27.00 | 0 |
233 | SuisTropNul | €21.01 | €31.50 | 1 |
234 | __Genzo__ | €21.01 | €15.75 | 1 |
235 | rclement83 | €21.01 | €61.88 | 0 |
236 | The Traktor | €21.01 | €18.00 | 0 |
237 | MinAAto | €21.01 | €0.00 | 1 |
238 | Le Snipaire | €21.01 | €4.50 | 0 |
239 | Jospem | €21.01 | €4.50 | 0 |
240 | Slach_gwada | €20.01 | €45.00 | 1 |
241 | 2ndPilot | €20.01 | €9.00 | 0 |
242 | CHINO19 | €20.01 | €28.69 | 1 |
243 | Neakio | €20.01 | €16.88 | 0 |
244 | FulDblFulFul | €20.01 | €15.75 | 0 |
245 | Maitre_Y0ga | €20.01 | €27.00 | 1 |
246 | MonkyBusines | €20.01 | €4.50 | 0 |
247 | shorkas | €20.01 | €37.13 | 1 |
248 | La Belle Gze | €20.01 | €4.50 | 0 |
249 | -Nastasiya- | €20.01 | €4.50 | 0 |
250 | RatedAlmi | €20.01 | €14.06 | 0 |
251 | Lancelle.R | €20.01 | €29.25 | 0 |
252 | Mahrezio | €20.01 | €15.75 | 0 |
253 | Le Marabout. | €20.01 | €24.75 | 0 |
254 | PlaceRodin | €20.01 | €4.50 | 1 |
255 | Lolblockers | €20.01 | €22.50 | 1 |
256 | GuRuGen | €20.01 | €18.00 | 0 |
257 | juju91322 | €20.01 | €36.00 | 1 |
258 | h3hota | €20.01 | €9.00 | 0 |
259 | MiaousSuoaiM | €20.01 | €21.38 | 0 |
260 | Mr Zen. | €20.01 | €33.75 | 1 |
261 | Jothiag | €20.01 | €9.00 | 1 |
262 | JrunFort | €20.01 | €13.50 | 0 |
263 | Stef Milk | €20.01 | €9.00 | 0 |
264 | Pandamar1102 | €20.01 | €59.63 | 0 |
265 | LOOBY | €20.01 | €22.50 | 0 |
266 | MrFull | €20.01 | €4.50 | 0 |
267 | Misery1408 | €20.01 | €4.50 | 0 |
268 | barebizon | €20.01 | €20.25 | 0 |
269 | Elastico97 | €20.01 | €0.00 | 0 |
270 | GTO-poker | €20.01 | €18.00 | 0 |
271 | CrAck DeAler | €20.01 | €38.25 | 2 |
272 | gaggren | €20.01 | €11.25 | 0 |
273 | 2Balla2Bust | €20.01 | €9.00 | 0 |
274 | pilate9 | €20.01 | €31.50 | 0 |
275 | Siestoboulo. | €20.01 | €25.88 | 1 |
276 | cest carre | €20.01 | €6.75 | 0 |
277 | SleepWalker | €20.01 | €4.50 | 0 |
278 | tidonnesaVY | €20.01 | €22.50 | 0 |
279 | Don_Ferdi | €20.01 | €0.00 | 1 |
280 | BonJourney | €20.01 | €27.00 | 0 |
281 | hoidis | €20.01 | €13.50 | 0 |
282 | Marty00999 | €20.01 | €9.00 | 0 |
283 | Dolboyob | €20.01 | €13.50 | 0 |
284 | DrCopo | €20.01 | €9.00 | 1 |
285 | Vinny Jones | €20.01 | €0.00 | 0 |
286 | Fabrizio50 | €20.01 | €9.00 | 0 |
287 | -Unlucky- | €20.01 | €25.88 | 0 |
ALLIN DELONGWinnings €34.78Bounty €31.51Re-entry 0
pallixWinnings €34.78Bounty €18.00Re-entry 0
12Marcelo12Winnings €34.78Bounty €60.75Re-entry 1
Tartuffe402Winnings €29.98Bounty €64.69Re-entry 0
Titi et GrosWinnings €29.98Bounty €20.25Re-entry 0
nounours 006Winnings €29.98Bounty €119.82Re-entry 0
Bourbon.KidWinnings €29.98Bounty €66.38Re-entry 0
JustMuckWinnings €29.98Bounty €24.75Re-entry 0
BatLaMeNas93Winnings €29.98Bounty €22.50Re-entry 0
Ing RaidenWinnings €29.98Bounty €72.00Re-entry 0
Julie_pok06Winnings €29.98Bounty €67.51Re-entry 0
Justice95Winnings €29.98Bounty €32.63Re-entry 1
NoThe BossWinnings €29.98Bounty €21.38Re-entry 0
PrettyVirginWinnings €29.98Bounty €84.38Re-entry 1
kumanjiWinnings €29.98Bounty €28.69Re-entry 0
ChriStyIeWinnings €29.98Bounty €0.00Re-entry 0
Mognon44Winnings €29.98Bounty €40.51Re-entry 0
PILEouFACE--Winnings €29.98Bounty €44.44Re-entry 0
JajajaYopagoWinnings €29.98Bounty €36.56Re-entry 0
ALOKAFREWinnings €29.98Bounty €47.25Re-entry 0
TeamCalvitieWinnings €29.98Bounty €31.50Re-entry 0
LallatteWinnings €29.98Bounty €32.06Re-entry 0
KorakeWinnings €29.98Bounty €11.25Re-entry 1
StarS_0rbiTWinnings €29.98Bounty €39.38Re-entry 0
93BicraveurWinnings €29.98Bounty €33.75Re-entry 0
DIRTYSEVENWinnings €29.98Bounty €9.00Re-entry 0
GeomuxWinnings €29.98Bounty €16.88Re-entry 1
NoD-Winnings €26.45Bounty €61.32Re-entry 3
two_aces_mskWinnings €26.45Bounty €46.13Re-entry 0
hdFatBoyWinnings €26.45Bounty €9.00Re-entry 0
nevalekyWinnings €26.45Bounty €46.14Re-entry 0
simsy79Winnings €26.45Bounty €34.88Re-entry 0
Tilt_oussWinnings €26.45Bounty €42.76Re-entry 0
Tout_PouletWinnings €26.45Bounty €23.63Re-entry 0
E.ValhallaWinnings €26.45Bounty €21.38Re-entry 0
Bronack01Winnings €26.45Bounty €105.19Re-entry 0
spewinfoolWinnings €26.45Bounty €6.75Re-entry 0
SaNLOrenZOOWinnings €26.45Bounty €14.06Re-entry 1
SINO1979Winnings €26.45Bounty €29.26Re-entry 0
jesgroovyWinnings €26.45Bounty €11.25Re-entry 0
B. PlumifronWinnings €26.45Bounty €15.75Re-entry 1
PaAmbTomaketWinnings €26.45Bounty €34.32Re-entry 5
tomyllee2Winnings €26.45Bounty €15.75Re-entry 0
Feliz Pato1Winnings €26.45Bounty €11.25Re-entry 0
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