Real Money Possible to register by ticket Regular tournament
Buy-in : €0.90
Bounty : €0.90
Rake : €0.20
Tournament start : 10-09-2024 17:30 CET
Tournament end : 10-09-2024 23:37 CET
Number of entrants : 2 773
Number of re-entries : 1 023
Pos. | Player name | Chips | Re-entry |
1 | Pantsakou | 2,177,175 | 0 |
2 | samy5750 | 1,788,663 | 0 |
3 | BouleDeGome | 1,636,921 | 0 |
4 | wmx.fr982751 | 1,622,394 | 1 |
5 | blemeGibbon9 | 1,600,624 | 1 |
6 | SCOOBYDOUBLE | 1,533,141 | 1 |
7 | d4ntat3te | 1,528,361 | 0 |
8 | RB Kaiser762 | 1,447,157 | 0 |
9 | BROWN_Emmett | 1,274,533 | 0 |
10 | 69Sweezy69 | 1,182,365 | 1 |
11 | OOAASSIISS | 1,177,016 | 0 |
12 | .Oneofakind | 1,135,280 | 0 |
13 | MAD MAX 67 | 1,077,981 | 0 |
14 | Hors Paire | 1,058,908 | 2 |
15 | vivaronaldo3 | 1,039,986 | 0 |
16 | Sangaki Lee | 1,022,548 | 0 |
17 | TLGSeriousF | 968,520 | 1 |
18 | The gas | 968,427 | 0 |
19 | con-dor2024 | 899,529 | 0 |
20 | Sr.Green | 861,016 | 0 |
21 | - Ambros - | 853,292 | 0 |
22 | Gatsa-Gatsa | 790,837 | 0 |
23 | IGlissDuR | 759,942 | 0 |
24 | Marocquinhos | 756,879 | 0 |
25 | P1nChaToReee | 741,834 | 2 |
26 | .Frezoco. | 734,576 | 1 |
27 | .ASTROWORLD. | 732,628 | 1 |
28 | mr.GoodMan | 694,668 | 0 |
29 | jafra1 | 677,593 | 0 |
30 | lukas1390 | 675,256 | 0 |
31 | BananAABluff | 654,472 | 2 |
32 | OneShoveMan | 650,380 | 1 |
33 | M_&_Nuts | 639,297 | 0 |
34 | ulrick06 | 637,470 | 0 |
35 | KiitosKimi07 | 627,668 | 0 |
36 | kiitaii | 620,515 | 0 |
37 | __loree | 614,463 | 0 |
38 | BeTTeR Pan | 608,627 | 1 |
39 | Artiste Nic | 601,427 | 2 |
40 | AG Zeus2146 | 588,010 | 2 |
41 | TBVroad | 580,375 | 0 |
42 | Gut45 | 578,691 | 3 |
43 | edson7 | 565,458 | 0 |
44 | LEINA. | 557,271 | 0 |
45 | Heizenberg20 | 552,246 | 0 |
46 | le_fakir | 528,949 | 1 |
47 | 17JFbakk15 | 513,856 | 0 |
48 | JvTlAmAitre | 497,938 | 1 |
49 | Espaniol9999 | 467,102 | 0 |
50 | the boss_87 | 462,140 | 0 |
51 | KushToiViite | 455,665 | 1 |
52 | sAAckAAm1 | 436,772 | 0 |
53 | LoRdFloWer | 431,696 | 0 |
54 | Theorbe | 430,621 | 0 |
55 | Le-veinard | 410,736 | 0 |
56 | TheObasilic | 404,922 | 2 |
57 | VoitureBalai | 400,408 | 0 |
58 | NlPAIAYA | 395,770 | 0 |
59 | DMNK_ | 370,252 | 0 |
60 | MilkingTable | 368,031 | 0 |
61 | -MissSanSan- | 365,257 | 0 |
62 | Burnings | 364,614 | 0 |
63 | chumates | 364,229 | 2 |
64 | babyface350 | 353,391 | 2 |
65 | SebyChef971 | 337,433 | 0 |
66 | JakoKaskader | 332,162 | 2 |
67 | CASA_d_PAPEL | 317,010 | 1 |
68 | LetsGoooo777 | 315,648 | 0 |
69 | onthewood | 311,392 | 0 |
70 | Jeandave21 | 306,857 | 0 |
71 | J_MAAAX | 304,299 | 1 |
72 | AL-CAPONE33 | 296,536 | 0 |
73 | mulligan au1 | 292,299 | 2 |
74 | S9IOI9 | 272,538 | 0 |
75 | ACMalin13 | 258,024 | 0 |
76 | ChemiseVerte | 253,246 | 1 |
77 | Yoda_Scb_ | 226,931 | 1 |
78 | charlinho96 | 205,723 | 0 |
79 | 7-1primo | 197,176 | 1 |
80 | Number_01 | 196,856 | 0 |
81 | chessraise | 181,160 | 0 |
82 | Baaaaaaky | 149,936 | 0 |
83 | M.KingJulian | 101,229 | 0 |
84 | GTO_Casino | 86,776 | 1 |
PantsakouWinnings 2,177,175Re-entry 0
samy5750Winnings 1,788,663Re-entry 0
BouleDeGomeWinnings 1,636,921Re-entry 0
wmx.fr982751Winnings 1,622,394Re-entry 1
blemeGibbon9Winnings 1,600,624Re-entry 1
SCOOBYDOUBLEWinnings 1,533,141Re-entry 1
d4ntat3teWinnings 1,528,361Re-entry 0
RB Kaiser762Winnings 1,447,157Re-entry 0
BROWN_EmmettWinnings 1,274,533Re-entry 0
69Sweezy69Winnings 1,182,365Re-entry 1
OOAASSIISSWinnings 1,177,016Re-entry 0
.OneofakindWinnings 1,135,280Re-entry 0
MAD MAX 67Winnings 1,077,981Re-entry 0
Hors PaireWinnings 1,058,908Re-entry 2
vivaronaldo3Winnings 1,039,986Re-entry 0
Sangaki LeeWinnings 1,022,548Re-entry 0
TLGSeriousFWinnings 968,520Re-entry 1
The gasWinnings 968,427Re-entry 0
con-dor2024Winnings 899,529Re-entry 0
Sr.GreenWinnings 861,016Re-entry 0
- Ambros -Winnings 853,292Re-entry 0
Gatsa-GatsaWinnings 790,837Re-entry 0
IGlissDuRWinnings 759,942Re-entry 0
MarocquinhosWinnings 756,879Re-entry 0
P1nChaToReeeWinnings 741,834Re-entry 2
.Frezoco.Winnings 734,576Re-entry 1
.ASTROWORLD.Winnings 732,628Re-entry 1
mr.GoodManWinnings 694,668Re-entry 0
jafra1Winnings 677,593Re-entry 0
lukas1390Winnings 675,256Re-entry 0
BananAABluffWinnings 654,472Re-entry 2
OneShoveManWinnings 650,380Re-entry 1
M_&_NutsWinnings 639,297Re-entry 0
ulrick06Winnings 637,470Re-entry 0
KiitosKimi07Winnings 627,668Re-entry 0
kiitaiiWinnings 620,515Re-entry 0
__loreeWinnings 614,463Re-entry 0
BeTTeR PanWinnings 608,627Re-entry 1
Artiste NicWinnings 601,427Re-entry 2
AG Zeus2146Winnings 588,010Re-entry 2
TBVroadWinnings 580,375Re-entry 0
Gut45Winnings 578,691Re-entry 3
edson7Winnings 565,458Re-entry 0
LEINA.Winnings 557,271Re-entry 0
Heizenberg20Winnings 552,246Re-entry 0
le_fakirWinnings 528,949Re-entry 1
17JFbakk15Winnings 513,856Re-entry 0
JvTlAmAitreWinnings 497,938Re-entry 1
Espaniol9999Winnings 467,102Re-entry 0
the boss_87Winnings 462,140Re-entry 0
KushToiViiteWinnings 455,665Re-entry 1
sAAckAAm1Winnings 436,772Re-entry 0
LoRdFloWerWinnings 431,696Re-entry 0
TheorbeWinnings 430,621Re-entry 0
Le-veinardWinnings 410,736Re-entry 0
TheObasilicWinnings 404,922Re-entry 2
VoitureBalaiWinnings 400,408Re-entry 0
NlPAIAYAWinnings 395,770Re-entry 0
DMNK_Winnings 370,252Re-entry 0
MilkingTableWinnings 368,031Re-entry 0
-MissSanSan-Winnings 365,257Re-entry 0
BurningsWinnings 364,614Re-entry 0
chumatesWinnings 364,229Re-entry 2
babyface350Winnings 353,391Re-entry 2
SebyChef971Winnings 337,433Re-entry 0
JakoKaskaderWinnings 332,162Re-entry 2
CASA_d_PAPELWinnings 317,010Re-entry 1
LetsGoooo777Winnings 315,648Re-entry 0
onthewoodWinnings 311,392Re-entry 0
Jeandave21Winnings 306,857Re-entry 0
J_MAAAXWinnings 304,299Re-entry 1
AL-CAPONE33Winnings 296,536Re-entry 0
mulligan au1Winnings 292,299Re-entry 2
S9IOI9Winnings 272,538Re-entry 0
ACMalin13Winnings 258,024Re-entry 0
ChemiseVerteWinnings 253,246Re-entry 1
Yoda_Scb_Winnings 226,931Re-entry 1
charlinho96Winnings 205,723Re-entry 0
7-1primoWinnings 197,176Re-entry 1
Number_01Winnings 196,856Re-entry 0
chessraiseWinnings 181,160Re-entry 0
BaaaaaakyWinnings 149,936Re-entry 0
M.KingJulianWinnings 101,229Re-entry 0
GTO_CasinoWinnings 86,776Re-entry 1
Pos. | Player name | Winnings | Bounty | Re-entry |
85 | FalSe-DeaL | €3.09 | €8.04 | 0 |
86 | v4mo55bro | €3.09 | €3.27 | 0 |
87 | LeNeZdePaT | €3.09 | €7.32 | 1 |
88 | Pagusempre | €3.09 | €5.12 | 1 |
89 | SrJibaro | €3.09 | €0.68 | 0 |
90 | Fisur | €3.09 | €1.35 | 0 |
91 | Tarri14 | €3.09 | €9.95 | 0 |
92 | diumspa | €3.09 | €4.62 | 0 |
93 | -Big-Aldi- | €3.09 | €1.58 | 0 |
94 | DZG520Wina | €3.09 | €0.90 | 0 |
95 | il sait lero | €3.09 | €6.71 | 0 |
96 | You2You75 | €2.70 | €0.68 | 0 |
97 | Akill | €2.70 | €10.89 | 0 |
98 | C.pouget | €2.70 | €5.94 | 0 |
99 | StarTeamBloc | €2.70 | €6.72 | 0 |
100 | Juzz0693 | €2.70 | €8.86 | 1 |
101 | FlipGamay | €2.70 | €2.03 | 0 |
102 | DiCarpi0 | €2.70 | €0.68 | 1 |
103 | Marty00999 | €2.70 | €4.62 | 1 |
104 | Yehhhhh | €2.70 | €4.33 | 2 |
105 | Akhym_94 | €2.70 | €3.66 | 1 |
106 | PokRMagik | €2.70 | €1.81 | 0 |
107 | NISUDROIDE | €2.70 | €9.46 | 0 |
108 | djokofish | €2.70 | €3.38 | 0 |
109 | R1CK_C137 | €2.70 | €9.19 | 0 |
110 | KidLucky10 | €2.70 | €2.26 | 0 |
111 | arnaud.sassi | €2.70 | €2.26 | 0 |
112 | Nansei | €2.70 | €0.90 | 1 |
113 | Axpas | €2.70 | €2.93 | 0 |
114 | Pijonsinho37 | €2.70 | €5.18 | 2 |
115 | Dans Du Pain | €2.70 | €4.63 | 2 |
116 | Sophia057 | €2.70 | €4.78 | 0 |
117 | Tonyheadsup | €2.70 | €1.91 | 0 |
118 | .XLNC | €2.70 | €4.73 | 1 |
119 | asteriiiiiix | €2.70 | €2.70 | 1 |
120 | kapov83 | €2.42 | €4.39 | 1 |
121 | Blue.Charlie | €2.42 | €4.39 | 0 |
122 | JMisback | €2.42 | €3.60 | 1 |
123 | comment-va | €2.42 | €2.11 | 0 |
124 | Fukzeduck | €2.42 | €2.59 | 0 |
125 | bigwinbro | €2.42 | €4.45 | 0 |
126 | HeUkALyPtuS | €2.42 | €2.48 | 0 |
127 | ParaGold | €2.42 | €8.00 | 0 |
128 | Romzer450 | €2.42 | €1.35 | 0 |
129 | --ProDeal-- | €2.42 | €2.64 | 0 |
130 | NAS7AminxPJ | €2.42 | €5.90 | 0 |
131 | CTROBETE | €2.42 | €2.36 | 0 |
132 | alextalla44 | €2.42 | €0.90 | 1 |
133 | Azul.1648354 | €2.42 | €2.59 | 1 |
134 | JTLMiZE | €2.42 | €0.90 | 0 |
135 | JaKston | €2.42 | €5.64 | 0 |
136 | RastaNissart | €2.42 | €2.93 | 1 |
137 | Guibinho | €2.42 | €1.91 | 0 |
138 | T-JALOUX05 | €2.42 | €1.58 | 0 |
139 | El-ronaldo9 | €2.42 | €3.60 | 0 |
140 | JonBonJones2 | €2.42 | €4.72 | 0 |
141 | DrMonkeyD | €2.42 | €3.83 | 1 |
142 | Chabain77 | €2.42 | €0.45 | 0 |
143 | Joey Barton | €2.42 | €0.45 | 4 |
144 | ShovBustGoOn | €2.22 | €3.04 | 0 |
145 | mAAm23 | €2.22 | €5.74 | 0 |
146 | RoadToEv3n | €2.22 | €1.29 | 0 |
147 | TeoLavabo | €2.22 | €1.58 | 0 |
148 | Patte2LAApin | €2.22 | €1.69 | 0 |
149 | critian34 | €2.22 | €0.90 | 1 |
150 | Avenger.9396 | €2.22 | €1.35 | 0 |
151 | FreeElchapo | €2.22 | €0.00 | 2 |
152 | Cedenscud | €2.22 | €3.94 | 1 |
153 | jpsg93 | €2.22 | €1.01 | 0 |
154 | jAAmon | €2.22 | €5.73 | 3 |
155 | KerryCaverga | €2.22 | €3.15 | 0 |
156 | benat64 | €2.22 | €2.25 | 0 |
157 | Mr.nice26 | €2.22 | €9.74 | 0 |
158 | Charles 3bet | €2.22 | €3.84 | 0 |
159 | Big Tilt | €2.22 | €2.48 | 0 |
160 | Gringo787878 | €2.22 | €6.31 | 0 |
161 | GreenChip | €2.22 | €0.68 | 0 |
162 | 6prin | €2.22 | €5.81 | 0 |
163 | JJfoldpas | €2.22 | €3.83 | 0 |
164 | Jaguar.5037 | €2.22 | €1.35 | 0 |
165 | Martin_Byrde | €2.22 | €3.94 | 3 |
166 | GRUNVALSKI | €2.22 | €2.36 | 2 |
167 | H0ld-da-baby | €2.22 | €4.06 | 1 |
168 | NICOTAZ50 | €2.22 | €0.45 | 1 |
169 | RitonPrime | €2.22 | €2.36 | 0 |
170 | ximo693 | €2.22 | €6.09 | 0 |
171 | cAAresse | €2.22 | €1.13 | 0 |
172 | nenecroco | €2.22 | €1.58 | 1 |
173 | K-AA-L | €2.22 | €0.90 | 0 |
174 | isi-sale | €2.22 | €1.35 | 0 |
175 | LapsGodzeux | €2.22 | €1.80 | 0 |
176 | Mayameris | €2.22 | €2.82 | 0 |
177 | le mollusque | €2.22 | €2.03 | 0 |
178 | Frenchap40 | €2.22 | €1.69 | 0 |
179 | TARPSTU | €2.22 | €7.59 | 2 |
180 | GCMalade_1 | €2.22 | €3.15 | 0 |
181 | UnBonPigeon | €2.22 | €3.38 | 1 |
182 | Opiniatre | €2.22 | €0.45 | 1 |
183 | PipoLaSauce4 | €2.22 | €0.90 | 0 |
184 | pack2six | €2.22 | €5.75 | 0 |
185 | FUN.AM.BULLE | €2.22 | €5.74 | 0 |
186 | AcTrufelle | €2.22 | €0.00 | 0 |
187 | ENKETE D1FO | €2.22 | €2.03 | 0 |
188 | kaS2AA | €2.22 | €0.00 | 0 |
189 | JExploit | €2.22 | €3.38 | 0 |
190 | Fistipanda | €2.22 | €0.00 | 0 |
191 | Siestoboulo. | €2.22 | €3.95 | 4 |
192 | monkey KAKA | €2.10 | €4.11 | 1 |
193 | Delpimx | €2.10 | €0.68 | 0 |
194 | FilsProdige | €2.10 | €2.93 | 1 |
195 | Styleath | €2.10 | €0.00 | 0 |
196 | Lascar_Capac | €2.10 | €4.85 | 0 |
197 | sashami | €2.10 | €3.61 | 0 |
198 | Fleuzy | €2.10 | €0.00 | 0 |
199 | TwitchToileQ | €2.10 | €1.35 | 0 |
200 | DjonyDjony22 | €2.10 | €2.70 | 0 |
201 | _Rufiax_ | €2.10 | €2.48 | 0 |
202 | BIG L.09 | €2.10 | €4.91 | 0 |
203 | NoHomeJer0me | €2.10 | €1.91 | 0 |
204 | Khenifra-AA | €2.10 | €2.81 | 1 |
205 | Paire2Tong | €2.10 | €1.58 | 2 |
206 | BrickABrok | €2.10 | €2.93 | 1 |
207 | 4betJAMais | €2.10 | €2.25 | 1 |
208 | Cookie Lucky | €2.10 | €3.43 | 2 |
209 | -QUATORZE- | €2.10 | €2.93 | 1 |
210 | Jxnlk | €2.10 | €6.04 | 0 |
211 | 2021.XPRESSO | €2.10 | €6.03 | 1 |
212 | DjibrilCisse | €2.10 | €0.45 | 0 |
213 | Mufasasas05 | €2.10 | €4.28 | 0 |
214 | 7FOLIE | €2.10 | €2.14 | 0 |
215 | Carax95 | €2.10 | €1.58 | 0 |
216 | Rom-As | €2.10 | €0.68 | 0 |
217 | kingOfPokBV | €2.10 | €2.03 | 2 |
218 | Matesitoo | €2.10 | €1.13 | 0 |
219 | bubu33160 | €2.10 | €0.90 | 0 |
220 | Fumseckkkk | €2.10 | €0.00 | 1 |
221 | TireSeulment | €2.10 | €5.97 | 0 |
222 | felixsetabis | €2.10 | €0.45 | 0 |
223 | Doonots | €2.10 | €3.15 | 0 |
224 | GreatReset24 | €2.10 | €1.80 | 1 |
225 | Tena_plb | €2.10 | €0.45 | 1 |
226 | -Bajada- | €2.10 | €0.45 | 0 |
227 | JoKe_R8 | €2.10 | €3.71 | 1 |
228 | LaDeLaHoz | €2.10 | €4.16 | 1 |
229 | LaBarbz | €2.10 | €0.90 | 1 |
230 | caperlas | €2.10 | €0.45 | 0 |
231 | MTziiinn | €2.10 | €2.03 | 1 |
232 | Robin D Rois | €2.10 | €3.48 | 0 |
233 | tonly1_ | €2.10 | €1.80 | 0 |
234 | DavOc | €2.10 | €2.03 | 2 |
235 | Balmit95 | €2.10 | €0.68 | 0 |
236 | petitetete | €2.10 | €1.13 | 0 |
237 | Mandanis | €2.10 | €3.15 | 0 |
238 | YuMeYaGaMii | €2.10 | €3.16 | 0 |
239 | -Anth0sama- | €2.10 | €3.13 | 0 |
240 | Reaxy44 | €2.00 | €2.48 | 0 |
241 | DraudePKR | €2.00 | €2.88 | 0 |
242 | Biruji | €2.00 | €1.13 | 0 |
243 | Anil Loct | €2.00 | €1.35 | 0 |
244 | KingSky76 | €2.00 | €4.28 | 0 |
245 | F L O | €2.00 | €4.34 | 0 |
246 | Chicken Itza | €2.00 | €3.94 | 1 |
247 | Monsieur__A | €2.00 | €0.00 | 0 |
248 | ArkaCastillo | €2.00 | €2.81 | 0 |
249 | MICHMAGAEL80 | €2.00 | €2.14 | 0 |
250 | VinceAcro | €2.00 | €2.82 | 1 |
251 | Palax11 | €2.00 | €2.81 | 0 |
252 | LE ROI LEON | €2.00 | €2.25 | 2 |
253 | Elkoki11 | €2.00 | €4.97 | 0 |
254 | FiloFfisH | €2.00 | €0.90 | 1 |
255 | Cratine | €2.00 | €0.90 | 0 |
256 | MATMATIK | €2.00 | €5.86 | 0 |
257 | GLADiATuRN | €2.00 | €1.13 | 0 |
258 | nefertari3 | €2.00 | €2.25 | 0 |
259 | Black_Asta | €2.00 | €1.58 | 0 |
260 | vvincev | €2.00 | €0.00 | 3 |
261 | Sinmakilly | €2.00 | €2.03 | 0 |
262 | AngusY | €2.00 | €0.68 | 0 |
263 | vaicomdeus | €2.00 | €0.90 | 0 |
264 | xXasoif93Xx | €2.00 | €1.80 | 0 |
265 | bribri86 | €2.00 | €2.25 | 0 |
266 | Beachgoer | €2.00 | €1.58 | 0 |
267 | Anjyi popo | €2.00 | €3.15 | 3 |
268 | MieI Poks | €2.00 | €2.14 | 0 |
269 | TheXela | €2.00 | €3.27 | 0 |
270 | Adri_44 | €2.00 | €4.18 | 0 |
271 | CaaRibB3AN | €2.00 | €2.48 | 0 |
272 | sacharbonne | €2.00 | €1.69 | 2 |
273 | La Clope Tue | €2.00 | €10.98 | 1 |
274 | jmg1981tf | €2.00 | €0.45 | 0 |
275 | peperdolle | €2.00 | €2.48 | 0 |
276 | Eddycampus | €2.00 | €2.92 | 0 |
277 | BeAG0ldfish | €2.00 | €2.70 | 1 |
278 | Iamthin | €2.00 | €1.35 | 0 |
279 | POKERFLY | €2.00 | €4.80 | 1 |
280 | Fontfont3 | €2.00 | €3.33 | 0 |
281 | Enjoy life | €2.00 | €0.00 | 1 |
282 | Rientintin | €2.00 | €0.68 | 2 |
283 | Laveinefilss | €2.00 | €0.00 | 0 |
284 | jhonjhon55 | €2.00 | €1.81 | 2 |
285 | Laka lova. | €2.00 | €2.93 | 0 |
286 | Nonolrobot | €2.00 | €2.25 | 2 |
287 | ToPuRiaElMaT | €2.00 | €0.90 | 1 |
288 | xMaReaDz | €2.00 | €2.48 | 0 |
289 | ShanksDz | €2.00 | €2.03 | 0 |
290 | TonyKomp | €2.00 | €1.35 | 0 |
291 | Grever26 | €2.00 | €0.00 | 0 |
292 | 60SKUALL | €2.00 | €1.24 | 0 |
293 | pK0iTTeKK0n | €2.00 | €1.58 | 0 |
294 | bouddha555 | €2.00 | €0.68 | 0 |
295 | A. Gmblmore | €2.00 | €1.80 | 0 |
296 | Yema forever | €2.00 | €2.38 | 0 |
297 | MiraxSFC7 | €2.00 | €2.14 | 0 |
298 | Jerjer03 | €2.00 | €1.35 | 0 |
299 | Lena404 | €2.00 | €1.58 | 0 |
300 | joe51400 | €2.00 | €1.91 | 2 |
301 | LEGNASEDEMOH | €2.00 | €2.03 | 0 |
302 | Faycao | €2.00 | €8.23 | 0 |
303 | Createbox | €2.00 | €2.81 | 2 |
304 | juanczw | €2.00 | €1.80 | 0 |
305 | -Le_FleAu- | €2.00 | €2.93 | 0 |
306 | Dams78. | €2.00 | €1.07 | 5 |
307 | .WAKANDA. | €2.00 | €1.58 | 3 |
308 | Be nice | €2.00 | €0.45 | 1 |
309 | Pired | €2.00 | €1.80 | 0 |
310 | TITI69007 | €2.00 | €2.03 | 0 |
311 | mludo73 | €2.00 | €3.60 | 0 |
312 | RVays | €2.00 | €0.90 | 1 |
313 | Yapasrienla9 | €2.00 | €0.90 | 0 |
314 | BilboBag | €2.00 | €0.45 | 1 |
315 | _Ne6ovrymnEV | €2.00 | €0.90 | 0 |
316 | Angles Morts | €2.00 | €2.03 | 0 |
317 | Vladimir Dub | €2.00 | €0.00 | 1 |
318 | howbowdah | €2.00 | €2.25 | 0 |
319 | ConSansGain. | €2.00 | €0.00 | 1 |
320 | MisterPoket3 | €2.00 | €1.74 | 0 |
321 | MinPao12 | €2.00 | €2.03 | 0 |
322 | Biggy2ice | €2.00 | €0.45 | 2 |
323 | erepmoc | €2.00 | €0.00 | 0 |
324 | neoadri707 | €2.00 | €0.90 | 0 |
325 | Bananadoud | €2.00 | €1.24 | 1 |
326 | KKote2BBluff | €2.00 | €0.90 | 0 |
327 | Bobbyzzzzz | €2.00 | €0.45 | 0 |
328 | AlexRyzH | €2.00 | €2.48 | 0 |
329 | Wine-Time | €2.00 | €0.45 | 1 |
330 | R B&B | €2.00 | €3.12 | 3 |
331 | LavAAnde | €2.00 | €0.00 | 1 |
332 | Flofloreus | €2.00 | €5.42 | 2 |
333 | destinDhymen | €2.00 | €2.48 | 0 |
334 | Galaone42 | €2.00 | €7.00 | 2 |
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