Real Money Possible to register by ticket Regular tournament
Buy-in : €57.00
Bounty : €57.00
Rake : €11.00
Tournament start : 11-09-2024 17:30 CET
Tournament end : 11-09-2024 20:11 CET
Number of entrants : 640
Number of re-entries : 93
Pos. | Player name | Chips | Re-entry |
1 | Leosio 18 | 4,293,951 | 0 |
2 | BigDreams4E | 3,551,975 | 0 |
3 | B. Cazeneuve | 2,805,382 | 0 |
4 | syntaxerr | 2,576,154 | 1 |
5 | BliSSipline7 | 2,522,027 | 0 |
6 | Elfara88 | 1,985,418 | 0 |
7 | OhhlaVache | 1,942,988 | 0 |
8 | Mofire888 | 1,901,608 | 0 |
9 | AceRC | 1,844,442 | 0 |
10 | Kurcias. | 1,275,940 | 0 |
11 | oui capitain | 1,224,359 | 1 |
12 | Mixmok | 1,210,914 | 0 |
13 | InglwdCA | 782,392 | 0 |
14 | AmAngUs | 751,834 | 0 |
15 | Roadtoez | 747,202 | 0 |
16 | lce & Fire | 709,736 | 0 |
17 | Charybde. | 626,859 | 0 |
18 | DeLaCroixss | 435,533 | 0 |
19 | knower | 419,205 | 0 |
20 | Noeeeelhtuh | 392,081 | 0 |
Leosio 18Winnings 4,293,951Re-entry 0
BigDreams4EWinnings 3,551,975Re-entry 0
B. CazeneuveWinnings 2,805,382Re-entry 0
syntaxerrWinnings 2,576,154Re-entry 1
BliSSipline7Winnings 2,522,027Re-entry 0
Elfara88Winnings 1,985,418Re-entry 0
OhhlaVacheWinnings 1,942,988Re-entry 0
Mofire888Winnings 1,901,608Re-entry 0
AceRCWinnings 1,844,442Re-entry 0
Kurcias.Winnings 1,275,940Re-entry 0
oui capitainWinnings 1,224,359Re-entry 1
MixmokWinnings 1,210,914Re-entry 0
InglwdCAWinnings 782,392Re-entry 0
AmAngUsWinnings 751,834Re-entry 0
RoadtoezWinnings 747,202Re-entry 0
lce & FireWinnings 709,736Re-entry 0
Charybde.Winnings 626,859Re-entry 0
DeLaCroixssWinnings 435,533Re-entry 0
knowerWinnings 419,205Re-entry 0
NoeeeelhtuhWinnings 392,081Re-entry 0
Pos. | Player name | Winnings | Bounty | Re-entry |
21 | _guru_ | €236.63 | €331.32 | 0 |
22 | Hacksion | €236.63 | €121.13 | 0 |
23 | Jose Catela | €236.63 | €85.50 | 0 |
24 | ToFace | €194.23 | €520.12 | 0 |
25 | Mr Greenweed | €194.23 | €28.50 | 0 |
26 | SilentMelody | €194.23 | €420.38 | 0 |
27 | amgso | €194.23 | €235.12 | 0 |
28 | plfrwmx156 | €194.23 | €256.50 | 2 |
29 | postmasterca | €194.23 | €42.75 | 0 |
30 | cookie dough | €165.36 | €28.50 | 0 |
31 | WOW WOJO | €165.36 | €156.75 | 0 |
32 | Pr0j | €165.36 | €28.50 | 0 |
33 | runningHot93 | €165.36 | €71.25 | 0 |
34 | david.pech1 | €165.36 | €110.44 | 0 |
35 | KikFou | €165.36 | €156.75 | 0 |
36 | M.Greenwood | €146.21 | €121.13 | 0 |
37 | BadBeat2Rang | €146.21 | €178.13 | 1 |
38 | Fuck in fred | €146.21 | €256.50 | 0 |
39 | T. Price | €146.21 | €28.50 | 0 |
40 | Pat Perez | €146.21 | €92.63 | 0 |
41 | _-_-_-___-- | €146.21 | €156.75 | 0 |
42 | -Full-Moon- | €146.21 | €42.75 | 0 |
43 | md0626 | €146.21 | €149.63 | 0 |
44 | MrZezin | €146.21 | €242.26 | 0 |
45 | Jairzinhoxx9 | €146.21 | €135.38 | 0 |
46 | T en pampa | €146.21 | €106.88 | 1 |
47 | LeDS1 | €146.21 | €28.50 | 0 |
48 | DBooker | €134.47 | €171.00 | 0 |
49 | TarTauRaise | €134.47 | €427.50 | 0 |
50 | Mental2chip | €134.47 | €142.50 | 1 |
51 | Et_ma_kiche | €134.47 | €178.13 | 0 |
52 | BooInHell | €134.47 | €163.88 | 0 |
53 | Tatoun0403 | €134.47 | €99.75 | 0 |
54 | ClAAnCampbel | €134.47 | €342.00 | 0 |
55 | ekippppppppp | €134.47 | €220.88 | 0 |
56 | Marc Dusmic | €134.47 | €199.50 | 0 |
57 | Jerry Name | €134.47 | €85.50 | 0 |
58 | Progress52 | €134.47 | €142.50 | 0 |
59 | BrokenLifJRB | €134.47 | €188.82 | 1 |
60 | ChoupiGarou | €128.06 | €256.50 | 0 |
61 | HM2672 | €128.06 | €235.13 | 2 |
62 | Carotte_9.3 | €128.06 | €156.75 | 0 |
63 | Koumkoum06 | €128.06 | €242.25 | 0 |
64 | Reggaellano | €128.06 | €28.50 | 0 |
65 | Taking Notes | €128.06 | €57.00 | 0 |
66 | InchHallay | €128.06 | €206.63 | 0 |
67 | Lucky Luc0 | €128.06 | €228.00 | 1 |
68 | LaPokerRoom | €128.06 | €0.00 | 0 |
69 | LUCHA LIBRE | €128.06 | €57.00 | 0 |
70 | Pitch 15. | €128.06 | €128.25 | 1 |
71 | Iparre | €128.06 | €71.25 | 0 |
72 | Kratos4Demos | €128.06 | €28.50 | 0 |
73 | CasperMav | €128.06 | €57.00 | 1 |
74 | PiedDeBiche | €128.06 | €42.75 | 0 |
75 | RoySullivan | €128.06 | €28.50 | 0 |
76 | Wrong-Turn | €128.06 | €156.75 | 0 |
77 | Dimholt | €128.06 | €57.00 | 0 |
78 | PARBAL | €128.06 | €149.63 | 1 |
79 | Tit For Tat | €128.06 | €128.25 | 0 |
80 | Tavarela | €128.06 | €199.50 | 0 |
_guru_Winnings €236.63Bounty €331.32Re-entry 0
HacksionWinnings €236.63Bounty €121.13Re-entry 0
Jose CatelaWinnings €236.63Bounty €85.50Re-entry 0
ToFaceWinnings €194.23Bounty €520.12Re-entry 0
Mr GreenweedWinnings €194.23Bounty €28.50Re-entry 0
SilentMelodyWinnings €194.23Bounty €420.38Re-entry 0
amgsoWinnings €194.23Bounty €235.12Re-entry 0
plfrwmx156Winnings €194.23Bounty €256.50Re-entry 2
postmastercaWinnings €194.23Bounty €42.75Re-entry 0
cookie doughWinnings €165.36Bounty €28.50Re-entry 0
WOW WOJOWinnings €165.36Bounty €156.75Re-entry 0
Pr0jWinnings €165.36Bounty €28.50Re-entry 0
runningHot93Winnings €165.36Bounty €71.25Re-entry 0
david.pech1Winnings €165.36Bounty €110.44Re-entry 0
KikFouWinnings €165.36Bounty €156.75Re-entry 0
M.GreenwoodWinnings €146.21Bounty €121.13Re-entry 0
BadBeat2RangWinnings €146.21Bounty €178.13Re-entry 1
Fuck in fredWinnings €146.21Bounty €256.50Re-entry 0
T. PriceWinnings €146.21Bounty €28.50Re-entry 0
Pat PerezWinnings €146.21Bounty €92.63Re-entry 0
_-_-_-___--Winnings €146.21Bounty €156.75Re-entry 0
-Full-Moon-Winnings €146.21Bounty €42.75Re-entry 0
md0626Winnings €146.21Bounty €149.63Re-entry 0
MrZezinWinnings €146.21Bounty €242.26Re-entry 0
Jairzinhoxx9Winnings €146.21Bounty €135.38Re-entry 0
T en pampaWinnings €146.21Bounty €106.88Re-entry 1
LeDS1Winnings €146.21Bounty €28.50Re-entry 0
DBookerWinnings €134.47Bounty €171.00Re-entry 0
TarTauRaiseWinnings €134.47Bounty €427.50Re-entry 0
Mental2chipWinnings €134.47Bounty €142.50Re-entry 1
Et_ma_kicheWinnings €134.47Bounty €178.13Re-entry 0
BooInHellWinnings €134.47Bounty €163.88Re-entry 0
Tatoun0403Winnings €134.47Bounty €99.75Re-entry 0
ClAAnCampbelWinnings €134.47Bounty €342.00Re-entry 0
ekipppppppppWinnings €134.47Bounty €220.88Re-entry 0
Marc DusmicWinnings €134.47Bounty €199.50Re-entry 0
Jerry NameWinnings €134.47Bounty €85.50Re-entry 0
Progress52Winnings €134.47Bounty €142.50Re-entry 0
BrokenLifJRBWinnings €134.47Bounty €188.82Re-entry 1
ChoupiGarouWinnings €128.06Bounty €256.50Re-entry 0
HM2672Winnings €128.06Bounty €235.13Re-entry 2
Carotte_9.3Winnings €128.06Bounty €156.75Re-entry 0
Koumkoum06Winnings €128.06Bounty €242.25Re-entry 0
ReggaellanoWinnings €128.06Bounty €28.50Re-entry 0
Taking NotesWinnings €128.06Bounty €57.00Re-entry 0
InchHallayWinnings €128.06Bounty €206.63Re-entry 0
Lucky Luc0Winnings €128.06Bounty €228.00Re-entry 1
LaPokerRoomWinnings €128.06Bounty €0.00Re-entry 0
LUCHA LIBREWinnings €128.06Bounty €57.00Re-entry 0
Pitch 15.Winnings €128.06Bounty €128.25Re-entry 1
IparreWinnings €128.06Bounty €71.25Re-entry 0
Kratos4DemosWinnings €128.06Bounty €28.50Re-entry 0
CasperMavWinnings €128.06Bounty €57.00Re-entry 1
PiedDeBicheWinnings €128.06Bounty €42.75Re-entry 0
RoySullivanWinnings €128.06Bounty €28.50Re-entry 0
Wrong-TurnWinnings €128.06Bounty €156.75Re-entry 0
DimholtWinnings €128.06Bounty €57.00Re-entry 0
PARBALWinnings €128.06Bounty €149.63Re-entry 1
Tit For TatWinnings €128.06Bounty €128.25Re-entry 0
TavarelaWinnings €128.06Bounty €199.50Re-entry 0