
nulle ne gagne toujours MAIS ON ABANDONNE JAMAIS

Motto: la patience est une vertu, les bonne carte viendrons...
Members: 5
Gang Boss
Back Honour points history
Date Transaction type Honour points Total honour points Gang level
13/01/2025 Gang activity, week of 06/01/2025

Psykotte: -34 honour points
Arnaud67500: -14 honour points
Phoenixx29: -9 honour points
michaze: -16 honour points
Ptifischou67: -11 honour points
-84.00 0.00 1
06/01/2025 Gang activity, week of 30/12/2024

Psykotte: -34 honour points
Arnaud67500: -14 honour points
Phoenixx29: -9 honour points
michaze: -16 honour points
Ptifischou67: -11 honour points
-84.00 0.00 1
30/12/2024 Gang activity, week of 23/12/2024

Psykotte: 34 honour points
Arnaud67500: -14 honour points
Phoenixx29: -9 honour points
michaze: -16 honour points
Ptifischou67: -11 honour points
-16.00 0.00 1
23/12/2024 Gang activity, week of 16/12/2024

Psykotte: -34 honour points
Arnaud67500: -14 honour points
Phoenixx29: -9 honour points
michaze: -16 honour points
Ptifischou67: -11 honour points
-84.00 0.00 1
16/12/2024 Gang activity, week of 09/12/2024

Psykotte: -34 honour points
Arnaud67500: -14 honour points
Phoenixx29: -9 honour points
michaze: -16 honour points
Ptifischou67: -11 honour points
-84.00 0.00 1
09/12/2024 Gang activity, week of 02/12/2024

Psykotte: 34 honour points
Arnaud67500: -14 honour points
Phoenixx29: -9 honour points
michaze: -16 honour points
Ptifischou67: -11 honour points
-16.00 0.00 1
02/12/2024 Gang activity, week of 25/11/2024

Psykotte: -34 honour points
Arnaud67500: -14 honour points
Phoenixx29: -9 honour points
michaze: -16 honour points
Ptifischou67: -11 honour points
-84.00 0.00 1
25/11/2024 Gang activity, week of 18/11/2024

Psykotte: -34 honour points
Arnaud67500: -14 honour points
Phoenixx29: -9 honour points
michaze: -16 honour points
Ptifischou67: -11 honour points
-84.00 0.00 1
18/11/2024 Gang activity, week of 11/11/2024

Psykotte: -34 honour points
Arnaud67500: -14 honour points
Phoenixx29: -9 honour points
michaze: -16 honour points
Ptifischou67: -11 honour points
-84.00 0.00 1
11/11/2024 Gang activity, week of 04/11/2024

Psykotte: -34 honour points
Arnaud67500: -14 honour points
Phoenixx29: -9 honour points
michaze: -16 honour points
Ptifischou67: -11 honour points
-84.00 0.00 1