nulle ne gagne toujours MAIS ON ABANDONNE JAMAIS

Motto: la patience est une vertu, les bonne carte viendrons...
Members: 5
Gang Boss
Back Battle
The Series
From Sunday 07 January 07:00 to Friday 19 January 07:00

It’s finally here! By playing the Winamax Series, you win points for your gang according to your results!

Record the best results you can in Winamax Series tournaments according to the Winamax Grand Prix formula. The top 20 gang performances will be counted.

500000 honour points to win for the 50 best gangs.
# Gang Points Honour points
1201 ACAB 0 0
1202 gangster paradise 0 0
1203 LA TEAM SHARK 0 0
1204 TRIPLE X-POP 0 0
1205 BALD DONT LIE ! 0 0
1206 les écorcheurs 0 0
1207 Pocket Swiss 0 0
1208 wathefukteam974 0 0
1209 r1 0 0
1210 DestroyerGangMan 0 0
1211 jeusetmatch 0 0
1212 nulle ne gagne toujours MAIS ON ABANDONNE JAMAIS 0 0
1213 wheinamax 0 0
1214 No Bad No Tilt 0 0
1215 The CorsicanFace 0 0
1216 LEGION 0 0
1217 Les Fratés 0 0
1218 Les gardiens d'Odin 0 0
1219 le briseur de reves 0 0
1220 Royal City 0 0