less than one minute ago.
The Championship is back! 5 trophies and
1,000,000 Miles to be won by the best gangs! Please note that only gangs that have taken part in at least one challenge between 29th September and 17th November 2023 will be eligible for the Guns&Glory Championship. Inactive gangs (with no challenge played since 29/09) will be replaced by the gangs next in line in the gang rankings.
7 month(s) ago.
Reaches level 12
7 month(s) ago.
Returns to level 11
9 month(s) ago.
Reaches level 12
more than a year ago.
Serrure trophy unlocked:
View more than a year ago.
Reaches level 11
more than a year ago.
Returns to level 10
more than a year ago.
Reaches level 11