Date | Transaction type | Honour points | Total honour points | Gang level |
03/02/2025 | Gang activity, week of 27/01/2025 mehdi59220: 36 honour points mel59220: -13 honour points nadir59220: 18 honour points .ineedmoney.: 10 honour points momo59220: -9 honour points | + 42.00 | 1373.00 | 7 |
27/01/2025 | Gang activity, week of 20/01/2025 mehdi59220: 36 honour points mel59220: -13 honour points nadir59220: 18 honour points .ineedmoney.: 10 honour points momo59220: -9 honour points | + 42.00 | 1331.00 | 7 |
20/01/2025 | Gang activity, week of 13/01/2025 mehdi59220: 36 honour points mel59220: -13 honour points nadir59220: 18 honour points .ineedmoney.: 10 honour points momo59220: -9 honour points | + 42.00 | 1289.00 | 7 |
13/01/2025 | Gang activity, week of 06/01/2025 mehdi59220: 36 honour points mel59220: -13 honour points nadir59220: 18 honour points .ineedmoney.: 10 honour points momo59220: -9 honour points | + 42.00 | 1247.00 | 7 |
06/01/2025 | Gang activity, week of 30/12/2024 mehdi59220: -36 honour points mel59220: -13 honour points nadir59220: 18 honour points .ineedmoney.: 10 honour points momo59220: -9 honour points | -30.00 | 1205.00 | 7 |
30/12/2024 | Gang activity, week of 23/12/2024 mehdi59220: -36 honour points mel59220: -13 honour points nadir59220: 18 honour points .ineedmoney.: 10 honour points momo59220: -9 honour points | -30.00 | 1235.00 | 7 |
23/12/2024 | Gang activity, week of 16/12/2024 mehdi59220: 36 honour points mel59220: -13 honour points nadir59220: 18 honour points .ineedmoney.: 10 honour points momo59220: -9 honour points | + 42.00 | 1265.00 | 7 |
16/12/2024 | Gang activity, week of 09/12/2024 mehdi59220: 36 honour points mel59220: -13 honour points nadir59220: 18 honour points .ineedmoney.: 10 honour points momo59220: -9 honour points | + 42.00 | 1223.00 | 7 |
09/12/2024 | Gang activity, week of 02/12/2024 mehdi59220: 36 honour points mel59220: -13 honour points nadir59220: 18 honour points .ineedmoney.: -10 honour points momo59220: -9 honour points | + 22.00 | 1181.00 | 6 |
02/12/2024 | Gang activity, week of 25/11/2024 mehdi59220: 36 honour points mel59220: -13 honour points nadir59220: 18 honour points .ineedmoney.: 10 honour points momo59220: -9 honour points | + 42.00 | 1159.00 | 6 |