Date | Transaction type | Honour points | Total honour points | Gang level |
10/02/2025 | Gang activity, week of 03/02/2025 PokerPiment: -44 honour points ITMenMousse: -36 honour points Don Padre: 34.5 honour points Clik0pif: -22 honour points willybar: -16 honour points HarengSec: -19 honour points PomadouX: -18 honour points PokerOignon: 18 honour points mafieuxxx: -10 honour points JessTamblyn: -17 honour points | -129.50 | 0.00 | 1 |
03/02/2025 | Gang activity, week of 27/01/2025 PokerPiment: -44 honour points ITMenMousse: -36 honour points Don Padre: 34.5 honour points Clik0pif: -22 honour points willybar: -16 honour points HarengSec: -19 honour points PomadouX: -18 honour points PokerOignon: 18 honour points mafieuxxx: -10 honour points JessTamblyn: -17 honour points | -129.50 | 0.00 | 1 |
27/01/2025 | Gang activity, week of 20/01/2025 PokerPiment: -44 honour points ITMenMousse: -36 honour points Don Padre: 34.5 honour points Clik0pif: -22 honour points willybar: -16 honour points HarengSec: -19 honour points PomadouX: -18 honour points PokerOignon: 18 honour points mafieuxxx: 10 honour points JessTamblyn: -17 honour points | -109.50 | 0.00 | 1 |
20/01/2025 | Gang activity, week of 13/01/2025 PokerPiment: -44 honour points ITMenMousse: -36 honour points Don Padre: 34.5 honour points Clik0pif: -22 honour points willybar: -16 honour points HarengSec: 19 honour points PomadouX: -18 honour points PokerOignon: 18 honour points mafieuxxx: 10 honour points JessTamblyn: -17 honour points | -71.50 | 0.00 | 1 |
13/01/2025 | Gang activity, week of 06/01/2025 PokerPiment: -44 honour points ITMenMousse: -36 honour points Don Padre: 34.5 honour points Clik0pif: -22 honour points willybar: -16 honour points HarengSec: -19 honour points PomadouX: -18 honour points PokerOignon: 18 honour points mafieuxxx: 10 honour points JessTamblyn: -17 honour points | -109.50 | 0.00 | 1 |
06/01/2025 | Gang activity, week of 30/12/2024 PokerPiment: -44 honour points ITMenMousse: -36 honour points Don Padre: 34.5 honour points Clik0pif: -22 honour points willybar: -16 honour points HarengSec: -19 honour points PomadouX: -18 honour points PokerOignon: -18 honour points mafieuxxx: 10 honour points JessTamblyn: -17 honour points | -145.50 | 0.00 | 1 |
30/12/2024 | Gang activity, week of 23/12/2024 PokerPiment: -44 honour points ITMenMousse: -36 honour points Don Padre: 34.5 honour points Clik0pif: -22 honour points willybar: -16 honour points HarengSec: -19 honour points PomadouX: -18 honour points PokerOignon: -18 honour points mafieuxxx: 10 honour points JessTamblyn: -17 honour points | -145.50 | 0.00 | 1 |
23/12/2024 | Gang activity, week of 16/12/2024 PokerPiment: -44 honour points ITMenMousse: -36 honour points Don Padre: 34.5 honour points Clik0pif: -22 honour points willybar: -16 honour points HarengSec: -19 honour points PomadouX: -18 honour points PokerOignon: 18 honour points mafieuxxx: -10 honour points JessTamblyn: 17 honour points | -95.50 | 0.00 | 1 |
16/12/2024 | Gang activity, week of 09/12/2024 PokerPiment: -44 honour points ITMenMousse: -36 honour points Don Padre: 34.5 honour points Clik0pif: -22 honour points willybar: -16 honour points HarengSec: -19 honour points PomadouX: -18 honour points PokerOignon: 18 honour points mafieuxxx: 10 honour points JessTamblyn: 17 honour points | -75.50 | 0.00 | 1 |
09/12/2024 | Gang activity, week of 02/12/2024 PokerPiment: -44 honour points ITMenMousse: -36 honour points Don Padre: 34.5 honour points Clik0pif: -22 honour points willybar: -16 honour points HarengSec: -19 honour points PomadouX: -18 honour points PokerOignon: 18 honour points mafieuxxx: 10 honour points JessTamblyn: -17 honour points | -109.50 | 0.00 | 1 |