

Motto: Sky is not the limit !
Members: 5
Gang Boss
- HLM -
Back Honour points history
Date Transaction type Honour points Total honour points Gang level
03/02/2025 Gang activity, week of 27/01/2025

LOU POKEROU: -44 honour points
ImOnHolyDays: 24 honour points
Stack-frites: 22 honour points
Decadeath: 22 honour points
- HLM -: -20 honour points
+ 4.00 54900.14 25
27/01/2025 Gang activity, week of 20/01/2025

LOU POKEROU: 44 honour points
ImOnHolyDays: 24 honour points
Stack-frites: 22 honour points
Decadeath: 22 honour points
- HLM -: -20 honour points
+ 92.00 54896.14 25
20/01/2025 Gang activity, week of 13/01/2025

LOU POKEROU: 44 honour points
ImOnHolyDays: 24 honour points
Stack-frites: 22 honour points
Decadeath: 22 honour points
- HLM -: -20 honour points
+ 92.00 54804.14 25
13/01/2025 Gang activity, week of 06/01/2025

LOU POKEROU: 44 honour points
ImOnHolyDays: 24 honour points
Stack-frites: 22 honour points
Decadeath: 22 honour points
- HLM -: -20 honour points
+ 92.00 54712.14 25
06/01/2025 Gang activity, week of 30/12/2024

LOU POKEROU: 44 honour points
ImOnHolyDays: 24 honour points
Stack-frites: 22 honour points
Decadeath: 22 honour points
- HLM -: -20 honour points
+ 92.00 54620.14 25
30/12/2024 Gang activity, week of 23/12/2024

LOU POKEROU: 44 honour points
ImOnHolyDays: 24 honour points
Stack-frites: -22 honour points
Decadeath: 22 honour points
- HLM -: -20 honour points
+ 48.00 54528.14 25
23/12/2024 Gang activity, week of 16/12/2024

LOU POKEROU: -44 honour points
ImOnHolyDays: 24 honour points
Stack-frites: -22 honour points
Decadeath: 22 honour points
- HLM -: -20 honour points
-40.00 54480.14 25
16/12/2024 Gang activity, week of 09/12/2024

LOU POKEROU: -44 honour points
ImOnHolyDays: 24 honour points
Stack-frites: 22 honour points
Decadeath: 22 honour points
- HLM -: -20 honour points
+ 4.00 54520.14 25
09/12/2024 Gang activity, week of 02/12/2024

LOU POKEROU: -44 honour points
ImOnHolyDays: 24 honour points
Stack-frites: -22 honour points
Decadeath: 22 honour points
- HLM -: -20 honour points
-40.00 54516.14 25
02/12/2024 Gang activity, week of 25/11/2024

LOU POKEROU: -44 honour points
ImOnHolyDays: 24 honour points
Stack-frites: 22 honour points
Decadeath: 22 honour points
- HLM -: -20 honour points
+ 4.00 54556.14 25