Les FonZd

Motto: Jtéclaaaate!!!
Members: 6
Gang Boss
gege83 x
Back Honour points history
Date Transaction type Honour points Total honour points Gang level
03/02/2025 Gang activity, week of 27/01/2025

pprone: -30 honour points
312754b750c61b522cb67c99c655e888: -16.5 honour points
aaafe267e7549a4d7656c769a50d8897: -5 honour points
gege83 x: -14 honour points
Merlus83: 23 honour points
Faignantasse: -10 honour points
-52.50 0.00 1
27/01/2025 Gang activity, week of 20/01/2025

pprone: -30 honour points
312754b750c61b522cb67c99c655e888: -16.5 honour points
aaafe267e7549a4d7656c769a50d8897: -5 honour points
gege83 x: -14 honour points
Merlus83: 23 honour points
Faignantasse: -10 honour points
-52.50 0.00 1
20/01/2025 Gang activity, week of 13/01/2025

pprone: -30 honour points
312754b750c61b522cb67c99c655e888: -16.5 honour points
aaafe267e7549a4d7656c769a50d8897: -5 honour points
gege83 x: -14 honour points
Merlus83: 23 honour points
Faignantasse: -10 honour points
-52.50 0.00 1
13/01/2025 Gang activity, week of 06/01/2025

pprone: -30 honour points
312754b750c61b522cb67c99c655e888: -16.5 honour points
aaafe267e7549a4d7656c769a50d8897: -5 honour points
gege83 x: -14 honour points
Merlus83: 23 honour points
Faignantasse: -10 honour points
-52.50 0.00 1
06/01/2025 Gang activity, week of 30/12/2024

pprone: -30 honour points
312754b750c61b522cb67c99c655e888: -16.5 honour points
aaafe267e7549a4d7656c769a50d8897: -5 honour points
gege83 x: -14 honour points
Merlus83: 23 honour points
Faignantasse: -10 honour points
-52.50 0.00 1
30/12/2024 Gang activity, week of 23/12/2024

pprone: -30 honour points
312754b750c61b522cb67c99c655e888: -16.5 honour points
aaafe267e7549a4d7656c769a50d8897: -5 honour points
gege83 x: -14 honour points
Merlus83: 23 honour points
Faignantasse: -10 honour points
-52.50 0.00 1
23/12/2024 Gang activity, week of 16/12/2024

pprone: -30 honour points
312754b750c61b522cb67c99c655e888: -16.5 honour points
aaafe267e7549a4d7656c769a50d8897: -5 honour points
gege83 x: -14 honour points
Merlus83: 23 honour points
Faignantasse: -10 honour points
-52.50 0.00 1
16/12/2024 Gang activity, week of 09/12/2024

pprone: -30 honour points
312754b750c61b522cb67c99c655e888: -16.5 honour points
aaafe267e7549a4d7656c769a50d8897: -5 honour points
gege83 x: -14 honour points
Merlus83: 23 honour points
Faignantasse: -10 honour points
-52.50 0.00 1
09/12/2024 Gang activity, week of 02/12/2024

pprone: -30 honour points
312754b750c61b522cb67c99c655e888: -16.5 honour points
aaafe267e7549a4d7656c769a50d8897: -5 honour points
gege83 x: -14 honour points
Merlus83: 23 honour points
Faignantasse: -10 honour points
-52.50 0.00 1
02/12/2024 Gang activity, week of 25/11/2024

pprone: -30 honour points
312754b750c61b522cb67c99c655e888: -16.5 honour points
aaafe267e7549a4d7656c769a50d8897: -5 honour points
gege83 x: -14 honour points
Merlus83: 23 honour points
Faignantasse: -10 honour points
-52.50 0.00 1