Inglorious chattards

Motto: Les rois du chatte
Members: 6
Gang Boss
La b0utade
Back Honour points history
Date Transaction type Honour points Total honour points Gang level
03/02/2025 Gang activity, week of 27/01/2025

Moustachovv: 36 honour points
SwAAnson88: -18 honour points
Y0URl: -7 honour points
Maskiwe: -11 honour points
wmx-1f50z3dt: -22 honour points
La b0utade: 19 honour points
-3.00 11291.00 16
27/01/2025 Gang activity, week of 20/01/2025

Moustachovv: 36 honour points
SwAAnson88: -18 honour points
Y0URl: -7 honour points
Maskiwe: -11 honour points
wmx-1f50z3dt: -22 honour points
La b0utade: 19 honour points
-3.00 11294.00 16
20/01/2025 Gang activity, week of 13/01/2025

Moustachovv: 36 honour points
SwAAnson88: -18 honour points
Y0URl: -7 honour points
Maskiwe: -11 honour points
wmx-1f50z3dt: -22 honour points
La b0utade: 19 honour points
-3.00 11297.00 16
13/01/2025 Gang activity, week of 06/01/2025

Moustachovv: 36 honour points
SwAAnson88: -18 honour points
Y0URl: -7 honour points
Maskiwe: -11 honour points
wmx-1f50z3dt: -22 honour points
La b0utade: 19 honour points
-3.00 11300.00 16
06/01/2025 Gang activity, week of 30/12/2024

Moustachovv: 36 honour points
SwAAnson88: -18 honour points
Y0URl: -7 honour points
Maskiwe: -11 honour points
wmx-1f50z3dt: -22 honour points
La b0utade: 19 honour points
-3.00 11303.00 16
30/12/2024 Gang activity, week of 23/12/2024

Moustachovv: 36 honour points
SwAAnson88: -18 honour points
Y0URl: -7 honour points
Maskiwe: -11 honour points
wmx-1f50z3dt: -22 honour points
La b0utade: 19 honour points
-3.00 11306.00 16
23/12/2024 Gang activity, week of 16/12/2024

Moustachovv: 36 honour points
SwAAnson88: 18 honour points
Y0URl: -7 honour points
Maskiwe: -11 honour points
wmx-1f50z3dt: -22 honour points
La b0utade: 19 honour points
+ 33.00 11309.00 16
16/12/2024 Gang activity, week of 09/12/2024

Moustachovv: -36 honour points
SwAAnson88: 18 honour points
Y0URl: -7 honour points
Maskiwe: -11 honour points
wmx-1f50z3dt: -22 honour points
La b0utade: 19 honour points
-39.00 11276.00 16
09/12/2024 Gang activity, week of 02/12/2024

Moustachovv: 36 honour points
SwAAnson88: -18 honour points
Y0URl: -7 honour points
Maskiwe: -11 honour points
wmx-1f50z3dt: -22 honour points
La b0utade: 19 honour points
-3.00 11315.00 16
02/12/2024 Gang activity, week of 25/11/2024

Moustachovv: -36 honour points
SwAAnson88: -18 honour points
Y0URl: -7 honour points
Maskiwe: -11 honour points
wmx-1f50z3dt: -22 honour points
La b0utade: 19 honour points
-75.00 11318.00 16