

Motto: les stars d'hollywood
Members: 13
Gang Boss
aLL FoR iN
JB La Bastos
Back Honour points history
Date Transaction type Honour points Total honour points Gang level
05/02/2025 Defensive Challenge : Refused See -3766.15 71556.84 27
03/02/2025 Gang activity, week of 27/01/2025

SPACE ALL IN: 38 honour points
aLL FoR iN: -33 honour points
zionbool: 23 honour points
Frizzouli: 19 honour points
KILECON: 23 honour points
CaliPok7: 20 honour points
Kyp40: 21 honour points
JB La Bastos: -21 honour points
NietMan: 16 honour points
Ratapac: -20 honour points
L3ST3: 21 honour points
Kro_Ko_Deal_: 20 honour points
Winaprometor: 22 honour points
all-in_fish: 17 honour points
+ 166.00 75322.99 28
27/01/2025 Gang activity, week of 20/01/2025

SPACE ALL IN: 38 honour points
aLL FoR iN: -33 honour points
zionbool: 23 honour points
Frizzouli: 19 honour points
KILECON: 23 honour points
CaliPok7: -20 honour points
Kyp40: 21 honour points
JB La Bastos: -21 honour points
NietMan: 16 honour points
Ratapac: -20 honour points
L3ST3: 21 honour points
Kro_Ko_Deal_: 20 honour points
Winaprometor: -22 honour points
all-in_fish: 17 honour points
+ 82.00 75156.99 28
20/01/2025 Gang activity, week of 13/01/2025

SPACE ALL IN: 38 honour points
aLL FoR iN: 33 honour points
zionbool: 23 honour points
Frizzouli: 19 honour points
KILECON: 23 honour points
CaliPok7: -20 honour points
Kyp40: 21 honour points
JB La Bastos: -21 honour points
NietMan: 16 honour points
Ratapac: 20 honour points
L3ST3: 21 honour points
Kro_Ko_Deal_: 20 honour points
Winaprometor: 22 honour points
all-in_fish: 17 honour points
+ 232.00 75074.99 28
13/01/2025 Gang activity, week of 06/01/2025

SPACE ALL IN: 38 honour points
aLL FoR iN: 33 honour points
zionbool: 23 honour points
Frizzouli: 19 honour points
KILECON: 23 honour points
CaliPok7: -20 honour points
Kyp40: 21 honour points
JB La Bastos: -21 honour points
NietMan: -16 honour points
Ratapac: 20 honour points
L3ST3: 21 honour points
Kro_Ko_Deal_: 20 honour points
Winaprometor: 22 honour points
all-in_fish: 17 honour points
+ 200.00 74842.99 27
06/01/2025 Gang activity, week of 30/12/2024

SPACE ALL IN: 38 honour points
aLL FoR iN: -33 honour points
zionbool: 23 honour points
Frizzouli: 19 honour points
KILECON: 23 honour points
CaliPok7: 20 honour points
Kyp40: 21 honour points
JB La Bastos: -21 honour points
NietMan: -16 honour points
Ratapac: 20 honour points
L3ST3: 21 honour points
Kro_Ko_Deal_: 20 honour points
Winaprometor: 22 honour points
all-in_fish: -17 honour points
+ 140.00 74642.99 27
30/12/2024 Gang activity, week of 23/12/2024

SPACE ALL IN: 38 honour points
aLL FoR iN: -33 honour points
zionbool: 23 honour points
Frizzouli: 19 honour points
KILECON: 23 honour points
CaliPok7: -20 honour points
Kyp40: 21 honour points
JB La Bastos: -21 honour points
NietMan: -16 honour points
Ratapac: -20 honour points
L3ST3: -21 honour points
Kro_Ko_Deal_: 20 honour points
Winaprometor: -22 honour points
all-in_fish: -17 honour points
-26.00 74502.99 27
23/12/2024 Gang activity, week of 16/12/2024

SPACE ALL IN: -38 honour points
aLL FoR iN: 33 honour points
zionbool: 23 honour points
Frizzouli: 19 honour points
KILECON: 23 honour points
CaliPok7: -20 honour points
Kyp40: 21 honour points
JB La Bastos: -21 honour points
NietMan: -16 honour points
Ratapac: 20 honour points
L3ST3: -21 honour points
Kro_Ko_Deal_: 20 honour points
Winaprometor: -22 honour points
all-in_fish: 17 honour points
+ 38.00 74528.99 27
16/12/2024 Defensive Challenge : Refused See -3920.26 74490.99 27
16/12/2024 Gang activity, week of 09/12/2024

SPACE ALL IN: -38 honour points
aLL FoR iN: 33 honour points
zionbool: 23 honour points
Frizzouli: 19 honour points
KILECON: 23 honour points
CaliPok7: -20 honour points
Kyp40: 21 honour points
JB La Bastos: -21 honour points
NietMan: -16 honour points
Ratapac: -20 honour points
L3ST3: 21 honour points
Kro_Ko_Deal_: 20 honour points
Winaprometor: -22 honour points
all-in_fish: -17 honour points
+ 6.00 78411.25 28