Motto: Vous ne passerez pas
Members: 25
Gang Boss
Mcz lykzr
Dont panik
Back Honour points history
Date Transaction type Honour points Total honour points Gang level
10/02/2025 Gang activity, week of 03/02/2025

-OST-: 40 honour points
.Sparrow.: 20 honour points
ibanou66: 21 honour points
yepes34: 21 honour points
all4as40: 16 honour points
GUIBSON10: 19 honour points
Quentin91760: -11 honour points
benibob9: 14 honour points
patriote95: -18 honour points
rns974: 22 honour points
Mcz lykzr: -12 honour points
flo-oissel: -20 honour points
DoubleYa: -17 honour points
dan91: 22 honour points
Matlebarbare: 16 honour points
BabasSalASs: -19 honour points
Dont panik: -20 honour points
kissMYhand: 17 honour points
ManWars: -18 honour points
Karlito83200: 19 honour points
Slayder11100: -17 honour points
Alimi59: 20 honour points
betty1435: 17 honour points
bidouille354: 18 honour points
BdBeatPalAce: 21 honour points
+ 171.00 32552.74 21
03/02/2025 Gang activity, week of 27/01/2025

-OST-: 40 honour points
.Sparrow.: 20 honour points
ibanou66: 21 honour points
yepes34: 21 honour points
all4as40: 16 honour points
GUIBSON10: 19 honour points
Quentin91760: -11 honour points
benibob9: 14 honour points
patriote95: -18 honour points
rns974: -22 honour points
Mcz lykzr: -12 honour points
flo-oissel: 20 honour points
DoubleYa: 17 honour points
dan91: 22 honour points
Matlebarbare: 16 honour points
BabasSalASs: -19 honour points
Dont panik: -20 honour points
kissMYhand: 17 honour points
ManWars: -18 honour points
Karlito83200: -19 honour points
Slayder11100: -17 honour points
Alimi59: 20 honour points
betty1435: 17 honour points
bidouille354: 18 honour points
BdBeatPalAce: 21 honour points
+ 163.00 32381.74 21
27/01/2025 Gang activity, week of 20/01/2025

-OST-: 40 honour points
.Sparrow.: 20 honour points
ibanou66: 21 honour points
yepes34: 21 honour points
all4as40: -16 honour points
GUIBSON10: 19 honour points
Quentin91760: -11 honour points
benibob9: -14 honour points
patriote95: -18 honour points
rns974: -22 honour points
Mcz lykzr: -12 honour points
flo-oissel: -20 honour points
DoubleYa: -17 honour points
dan91: 22 honour points
Matlebarbare: 16 honour points
BabasSalASs: 19 honour points
Dont panik: -20 honour points
kissMYhand: 17 honour points
ManWars: -18 honour points
Karlito83200: 19 honour points
Slayder11100: -17 honour points
Alimi59: 20 honour points
betty1435: -17 honour points
bidouille354: 18 honour points
BdBeatPalAce: 21 honour points
+ 71.00 32218.74 21
20/01/2025 Gang activity, week of 13/01/2025

-OST-: 40 honour points
.Sparrow.: 20 honour points
ibanou66: 21 honour points
yepes34: 21 honour points
all4as40: -16 honour points
GUIBSON10: 19 honour points
Quentin91760: -11 honour points
benibob9: -14 honour points
patriote95: -18 honour points
rns974: 22 honour points
Mcz lykzr: -12 honour points
flo-oissel: 20 honour points
DoubleYa: 17 honour points
dan91: 22 honour points
Matlebarbare: 16 honour points
BabasSalASs: -19 honour points
Dont panik: -20 honour points
kissMYhand: 16 honour points
ManWars: -18 honour points
Karlito83200: 19 honour points
Slayder11100: -17 honour points
Alimi59: 19 honour points
betty1435: -17 honour points
bidouille354: 18 honour points
BdBeatPalAce: 21 honour points
+ 149.00 32147.74 21
13/01/2025 Gang activity, week of 06/01/2025

-OST-: 40 honour points
.Sparrow.: 20 honour points
ibanou66: -21 honour points
yepes34: 21 honour points
all4as40: -16 honour points
GUIBSON10: 19 honour points
Quentin91760: -11 honour points
benibob9: 14 honour points
patriote95: -18 honour points
rns974: 22 honour points
Mcz lykzr: -12 honour points
flo-oissel: 20 honour points
DoubleYa: 17 honour points
dan91: 22 honour points
Matlebarbare: 16 honour points
BabasSalASs: -19 honour points
Dont panik: -20 honour points
kissMYhand: 16 honour points
ManWars: -18 honour points
Karlito83200: -19 honour points
Slayder11100: -17 honour points
Alimi59: 19 honour points
betty1435: -17 honour points
bidouille354: 18 honour points
BdBeatPalAce: 21 honour points
+ 97.00 31998.74 21
08/01/2025 Defensive Challenge : Refused See -1679.04 31901.74 21
06/01/2025 Gang activity, week of 30/12/2024

-OST-: 40 honour points
.Sparrow.: 20 honour points
ibanou66: 21 honour points
yepes34: 21 honour points
all4as40: -16 honour points
GUIBSON10: 19 honour points
Quentin91760: -11 honour points
benibob9: -14 honour points
patriote95: -18 honour points
rns974: 22 honour points
Mcz lykzr: -12 honour points
flo-oissel: 20 honour points
DoubleYa: -17 honour points
dan91: 22 honour points
Matlebarbare: 16 honour points
BabasSalASs: -19 honour points
Dont panik: -20 honour points
kissMYhand: 16 honour points
ManWars: -18 honour points
Karlito83200: -19 honour points
Slayder11100: -17 honour points
Alimi59: 19 honour points
betty1435: -17 honour points
bidouille354: 18 honour points
BdBeatPalAce: 21 honour points
+ 77.00 33580.78 21
30/12/2024 Gang activity, week of 23/12/2024

-OST-: 40 honour points
.Sparrow.: 20 honour points
ibanou66: 21 honour points
yepes34: 21 honour points
all4as40: -16 honour points
GUIBSON10: 19 honour points
Quentin91760: -11 honour points
benibob9: 14 honour points
patriote95: -18 honour points
rns974: -22 honour points
Mcz lykzr: -12 honour points
flo-oissel: -20 honour points
DoubleYa: -17 honour points
dan91: 22 honour points
Matlebarbare: 16 honour points
BabasSalASs: -19 honour points
Dont panik: -20 honour points
kissMYhand: 16 honour points
ManWars: 18 honour points
Karlito83200: 19 honour points
Slayder11100: -17 honour points
Alimi59: 19 honour points
betty1435: 17 honour points
bidouille354: 18 honour points
BdBeatPalAce: 21 honour points
+ 129.00 33503.78 21
23/12/2024 Gang activity, week of 16/12/2024

-OST-: 40 honour points
.Sparrow.: 20 honour points
ibanou66: 21 honour points
yepes34: 21 honour points
all4as40: -16 honour points
GUIBSON10: 19 honour points
Quentin91760: -11 honour points
benibob9: 14 honour points
patriote95: -18 honour points
rns974: 22 honour points
Mcz lykzr: -12 honour points
flo-oissel: -20 honour points
DoubleYa: 17 honour points
dan91: 22 honour points
Matlebarbare: 16 honour points
BabasSalASs: -19 honour points
Dont panik: -20 honour points
kissMYhand: 16 honour points
ManWars: 18 honour points
Karlito83200: 19 honour points
Slayder11100: -17 honour points
Alimi59: 19 honour points
betty1435: 17 honour points
bidouille354: 18 honour points
BdBeatPalAce: 21 honour points
+ 207.00 33374.78 21
16/12/2024 Gang activity, week of 09/12/2024

-OST-: 40 honour points
.Sparrow.: 20 honour points
ibanou66: 21 honour points
yepes34: 21 honour points
all4as40: -16 honour points
GUIBSON10: 19 honour points
Quentin91760: -11 honour points
benibob9: 14 honour points
patriote95: -18 honour points
rns974: 22 honour points
Mcz lykzr: -12 honour points
flo-oissel: -20 honour points
DoubleYa: -17 honour points
dan91: 22 honour points
Matlebarbare: 16 honour points
BabasSalASs: -19 honour points
Dont panik: -20 honour points
kissMYhand: 16 honour points
ManWars: -18 honour points
Karlito83200: 19 honour points
Slayder11100: -17 honour points
Alimi59: 19 honour points
betty1435: 17 honour points
bidouille354: 18 honour points
BdBeatPalAce: 21 honour points
+ 137.00 33167.78 21